An Evaluation of the Usability of a DMO's Digital Marketing Strategy: The Case of the Center of Portugal

An Evaluation of the Usability of a DMO's Digital Marketing Strategy: The Case of the Center of Portugal

Bernardo Borges, Rui Costa
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7095-1.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Destination management organisations should be able to reach all those who intend to visit the region they manage in the digital environment, directing their actions towards the development of consolidated strategies, promoting the creation of awareness through extremely informative content, disseminating the notion that the most reliable means for collecting information will be through the organisation that manages the destination. This research aims to understand if the main digital marketing channel of destination management organisations in the Center of Portugal (website) is optimised in terms of usability and content to provide a relevant experience to the tourist. To this end, a qualitative evaluation was used. The qualitative assessment, which relates to the most technical part of the usability, was analysed through interviews with professionals relevant to the study area. The analysis allowed to perceive the evaluation and the usability of the websites of the Center of Portugal.
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The introduction of digital technology in society has changed the daily life of any citizen, leading the whole world to be involved in an immense network, having a clear impact on what is the current society. Technology has changed the paradigm of several situations, impacting not only the ordinary citizen but also the business and public sector. Tourism, due to its informative nature, suffered a significant impact with the introduction of digital technology, with a clear reformulation of the entire industry, with the change of actors and the market. Digital technology is part of the daily lives of all citizens, directly and indirectly, becoming the basis for the cultural and economic process of globalisation. According to Main (2001), the appearance of the Internet has transformed the way information is distributed, and the speed at which information is shared. The importance and impact of this human development milestone cannot be compared to any other event.

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