Chapter Preview
TopBackground Of The Study
Geographic Information System is one of the most popular ICT tools for capturing, storing, retrieving, manipulating, mapping and analyzing spatial and non-spatial geographical data in the digital format. GIS is the information system that provides functions including visual 3D presentations about any geographical locations, advanced analysis etc. of digital geospatial information by processing them in an integrated manner.
Key Terms in this Chapter
Geographic Information System (GIS): One of the most popular tools of GIT. It is the modern technology for capturing, storing, retrieving, manipulating, mapping and analyzing spatial and non-spatial geographical data in the digital format. GIS is the information system that provides functions including visual 3D presentations about any geographical locations, advanced analysis etc. of digital geospatial information by processing them in an integrated manner.
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP): A collection of technology for the full duplex real-time transmission of voice communications and multimedia sessions over the internet. VoIP offers a substantial cost savings over traditional long distance telephone calls. Example: Skype, Gtalk etc.
Geospatial Information Technology (GIT): A collection information communication tools used to capture, store, transform, manipulate, analyze, and produce information related to the surface of the Earth. This data may exist as maps, graphs, 3D virtual models, tables, and/or lists. Example: GIS, GPS etc.
Tourism: A social, cultural and economic phenomenon related to the movement of people to places outside their usual place of residence. Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.
Global Positioning System (GPS): One of the most popular tools of GIT. GPS is a radio navigation system that allows land, sea, and airborne users to determine their exact location, velocity, and time 24 hours a day, in all weather conditions, anywhere in the world. The GPS is being used in science to provide data that has never been available before in the quantity and degree of accuracy that the GPS makes possible.
Computer Reservation Systems (CRS): A computerized system used to store and retrieves information and carry out transactions related to the information or booking of airline ticket, railway ticket, hotel booking etc. CRS has made the online booking and collecting information much easier, faster and effective.
Virtual Reality (VR) Technology: A computer-simulated environment that can simulate virtual reality, i.e. an artificial environment created by software and presented to the user in such a way that the user accepts it as a real environment. In VR, highly visual 3D environments are created by using CAD software and graphics hardware. VR has its application in different sectors viz. Military training, Architecture, Game, Medical Procedures etc.
Tourist: Someone who travels for pleasure and recreation and exchange of culture.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): Technologies that provide information through telecommunications. ICT and Information Technology (IT) are more or less similar, but ICT focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, satellite systems and other communication mediums.