Artificial Intelligence in Business: Negative Social Impacts

Artificial Intelligence in Business: Negative Social Impacts

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0724-3.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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People who work on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that directly affect people's social or ethical lives face different types of problems. These include philosophical questions about how possible it is to build ethics into algorithms and technical problems with AI development. One of the challenges is dealing with the ethical and social effects of putting people and technology together. This chapter aims to make a map of the leading social effects of AI and suggestions for how to deal with these effects. AI offers many opportunities for fundamental changes and significant industry improvements. This disruptive technology allows impressive things, like self-driving cars, serving food in restaurants, guiding robots, etc. Many people disagree about how artificial intelligence will affect society, although people believe that AI improves everyday life because it can do simple things, making life easier, safer, and more efficient. Others say that AI is dangerous for privacy, makes racism worse by making people look the same, and puts people out of work by taking their jobs.
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Ai Stands For “Artificial Intelligence”

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of computers to take in information, put it together, and conclude it. This is different from the intelligence shown by humans and other animals (C. Zhang & Lu, 2021). This is done in tasks like speech recognition, computer vision, translating from one language to another, and other input mappings. Artificial intelligence (AI) is when technology, especially computer systems, tries to act like intelligent people. Expert systems, natural language processing, voice recognition, and machine vision are all examples of specific AI applications (Kaul et al., 2020).

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