Artificial Intelligence in E-Learning Systems

Artificial Intelligence in E-Learning Systems

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9220-5.ch091
(Individual Chapters)
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E-learning is conducted via electronic media, typically the internet, in order to transfer knowledge to students. Many problems are involved in content creation, assessment and grading, learner profiles, MOOC, personalize learning, etc. This article describes some technologies regarding artificial intelligence that can help teacher and student and can improve student engagement, learning outcomes, teaching abilities, assessment of the quality of learning materials, content creation. It also discusses background, knowledge, challenges, and critical factors necessary for the complex nature of present education. Future trends are described.
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Education is one the most essential sectors of society. It is linked with all of the other sectors and its impact on them is substantial. E-learning - or electronic learning - has been referred to as technology-enhanced learning, it describes a set of technology-mediated methods that can be applied to support student learning and can include elements of assessment, tutoring, and instruction.

With the traditional training approach, there is a single learning path, and the instructor/course creator defines the same order of content for all students equally, content is generic, and content is not adapted in relation to the interests of each person. With the traditional training approach, students can get bored, teachers have difficulty in analyzing the individual learning path, teachers have fewer resources to create teaching material.

As more and more students gain learning experience with computers, it is possible to record data on their progress and it is necessary to engage the student with learning materials.

The adaptive educational systems within e-learning platforms are built in response to the fact that the learning process is different for every learner. In order to provide adaptive e-learning services and study materials, that are tailor-made for adaptive learning, this type of educational approach seeks to combine the ability to comprehend and detect a person’s specific needs in the context of learning with the expertise required to use appropriate learning pedagogy and enhance the learning process. Thus, it is critical to create accurate student profiles and models based upon analysis of their affective states, knowledge level, and their individual personality traits and skills. In this sense, it is necessary to give the system dynamic self-learning capabilities from the behaviors exhibited by the teachers and students to create the appropriate pedagogy and automatically adjust the e-learning environments to suit the pedagogies.

Artificial Intelligence changes the nature of industries, transport, health, finance etc. included education, so the prospect of personalized e-learning is quickly becoming a reality, allowing to determine how individual students understand the material and to develop more personalized curricula, while helping teachers identify problem areas of students, helping to provide the right content to the right student at the right time, to customize content based on each student's existing knowledge, to create eLearning courses in less time. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence has the power to optimize both learning and teaching, helping the education sector evolve to better benefit students and teachers alike. It is important to admit the current limits of technology and admit that AI is not (yet) ready to replace teachers but is presenting the real possibility to augment them.

The aim of this contribution is to describe some technologies and methodologies to execute personalized e-learning using Artificial Intelligence as specific approach, it also discusses background, knowledge, challenges, and critical factors necessary for successful implementation. The impact of the development of Artificial Intelligence on the role of educators is detailed.


Humans are lifelong learners. From our first breaths to our last, we are constantly learning: we learn about the world around us, we learn about each other, we gather new knowledge. To help us in this never-ending task, e-learning can be viewed as a system of electronic learning whereby instructions are devised or formatted to support learning and then delivered to the intended beneficiaries through digital devices that normally come in the form of computers or mobile devices.

The traditional model presents some common difficulties, including:

  • too much content and way too long, this overwhelms people very easily;

  • lack of personalized experiences, courses are often too generic and do not adapt to the specific needs of each student;

  • don't really track the program's effectiveness, result estimation involves time-consuming data collection and entry processes;

  • the student prefer to self-manage the learning experiences.

Artificial Intelligence is useful to improve the student experience of learning, and allows educators to analyze the performance and to create enhanced multimedia content in less time. Artificial Intelligence-based eLearning platform is a machine/system that possesses the ability to perform different tasks requiring human intelligence. It has the ability to offer solutions to human-related problems, like speech recognition, translations, decision making, and much more.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Educational Data Mining: Methods for exploring the unique and increasingly large-scale data that come from educational settings and using those methods to better understand students, and the settings which they learn in.

E-Learning: any form of learning conducted via electronic media, typically the Internet, it focuses on utilizing the knowledge of professors in such a way that educational systems and courses can be delivered anytime and anywhere.

E-Learning Theory: Describes the cognitive science principles of effective multimedia learning using electronic educational technology.

Educational Technology: Combined use of computer hardware, software, and educational theory and practice to facilitate learning.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans, allows machines to learn from previous experiences.

Learning Analytics: Compilation, quantification, analysis, and notification of information related to students in relation to their individual characteristics.

Adaptive Educational System: Emphasize the importance of individual differences in modelling the ideal online learning environment.

MOOC: Massive Open Online Courses, open and free learning system available on internet.

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