Assessing E-Government Success Strategies using Internet Search Data

Assessing E-Government Success Strategies using Internet Search Data

Katherine M. Boland, John G. McNutt
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4058-0.ch016
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Evaluating e-government programs can be a challenging task. While determining program features and capacity are relatively straightforward processes, exploring the more dynamic nature of citizen response to e-government is difficult. Fortunately, recent advances in Internet search technology offer researchers new opportunities to address these research questions. Innovations, such as Google Trends and Google Insights for Search, have made longitudinal data on Internet searches accessible to scholars. The availability of this data opens a number of possible research avenues regarding e-government.
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Throughout the world, governments are faced with tight budgets, economic reversals, and competing claims on resources. As public funds become scarce and austerity budgets become more the norm than the exception, we are seeing greater conflict and more civil unrest over budget priorities. The emergence of the Tea Party in the United States and the Occupy Wall Street Movement worldwide demonstrate how citizens can mobilize to express their views. This is not an easy time for public managers to propose new programs or to advocate for existing programs.

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