Beyond Binary Minds: Navigating the Labyrinth of Digital Consciousness vs. Human Consciousness

Beyond Binary Minds: Navigating the Labyrinth of Digital Consciousness vs. Human Consciousness

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2015-0.ch001
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In an era marked by rapid AI evolution, this chapter explores the interplay between digital and human consciousness. It compares computational models of digital consciousness with historical philosophical perspectives, examining shared cognitive processes and ethical considerations. The study delves into the ethical implications of creating conscious digital entities and raises unresolved questions for further inquiry. By considering societal impact and ethical ramifications, it prompts reflection on the responsibility inherent in the technological pursuit of consciousness. This chapter seeks to unravel complexities, challenge preconceptions, and guide discourse on the coexistence of digital and human consciousness in an interconnected world.
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1. Introduction

Consciousness, a concept central to various academic disciplines, entails the state of being aware of and able to think about one's existence, sensations, thoughts, and surroundings. From a psychological perspective, consciousness encompasses both the contents of one's mind (thoughts, feelings, perceptions) and the awareness of external stimuli (Ascott, 1998). This multifaceted nature has prompted various theories and debates, including the study of altered states of consciousness, the unconscious mind, and the neural correlates of consciousness. Especially, in Philosophy, consciousness raises fundamental questions about subjective experience, self-awareness, and the nature of reality. Philosophers have explored dualistic perspectives, such as Descartes' mind-body dualism, and materialistic views that tie consciousness to physical processes (Brinkmann, 2005). On the other hand, Phenomenology, another philosophical approach, delves into the lived experience of consciousness, emphasizing the subjectivity and intentionality inherent in human awareness (Glattfelder, 2019).

1.1. Emergence of Digital Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence

The evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been characterized by a progression from rule-based systems to more complex models capable of learning and decision-making. Besides, recent developments signal a shift toward conceptualizing digital consciousness within AI frameworks. This involves endowing machines with the ability to process information, exhibit self-awareness, and engage in decision-making processes that mimic aspects of human cognition (Haladjian & Montemayor, 2016). As computational power, neural network architectures, and machine learning algorithms advance, the notion of digital consciousness challenges traditional understandings of what it means to be aware and sentient. This emergent field explores whether AI systems can exhibit a form of consciousness that goes beyond predefined algorithms, signalling a new era in the intersection of technology and cognitive processes.

1.2. Significance of the Comparison

The comparison between digital and human consciousness holds immense significance at the confluence of science, technology, ethics, and philosophy. In addition to, understanding the implications of creating conscious entities in silico raises questions about the nature of intelligence, the ethical considerations surrounding AI development, and the potential societal impact. Ethical considerations are paramount as we navigate the integration of digital consciousness into our lives. Further, questions about the rights and responsibilities associated with sentient AI entities, the potential for bias and discrimination, and the impact on employment and social structures require careful examination (Ott, 2023). By highlighting the importance of this comparison, we acknowledge the need for an interdisciplinary approach that bridges psychological, philosophical, technological, and ethical perspectives. It prompts critical reflections on the essence of consciousness, the ethical responsibilities of AI developers, and the societal implications of an increasingly interconnected world. This chapter seeks not only to unravel the complexities of these intertwined concepts but also to guide ethical and responsible advancements in the field of artificial intelligence.


2. Theoretical Foundations

2.1. Digital Consciousness: Computational Models in Digital Consciousness

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have led to the development of computational models that aim to emulate cognitive processes, giving rise to the concept of digital consciousness (Bulkeley, 2014). There are two prominent approaches, symbolic and connectionist, offer distinct perspectives on how machines can achieve a semblance of consciousness.

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