Blending Leadership Roles and Theories in Today's Multi-Generational Organizational Culture: A Practical Review of the Organizational Culture

Blending Leadership Roles and Theories in Today's Multi-Generational Organizational Culture: A Practical Review of the Organizational Culture

Carl T. Burgess, Joan Adkins, Noreen Suniga, Francisca Mbanaja-Opara
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3811-1.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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To be an effective organization in this multidisciplinary psychological organizational culture, leaders are required to be many things to many people. The chapter describes the authors' thoughts, specifically regarding leadership in the multi-organizational culture, associated with the psychological culture in the organizations. This chapter looks at leadership and the meaning that it has to organizations, people, and cultures. Practitioners often talk about the application of leadership and how to best apply these methods in today's multi-generational organizational culture. Organizations are presented with a continuum or range of possible leadership behavior and styles, which are available to those individuals who manage today.
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Although the authors are not presenting material for literature review, this chapter will share components that illustrate a valuable leadership environment. This will be addressed through the facilitation of leadership styles and concepts within the organizational culture. The purpose of this chapter will be to provide implications, and recommendations for organizations to help introduce an improvement to organization culture. This chapter is not meant to offer an actual plan or guide to develop an organizational leadership planning. Authors’ statements, opinions, advice, and recommendations will be provided based on supported academic documentation, which will help add to the body of knowledge based on the leadership environmental culture.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Self-Efficacy: Alludes to the individual’s level of coping with certain situations, and that individual ability to achieve certain goals.

Johari Window: This model helps individuals understand and measure their relationship between themselves and others.

Wakefulness: The ability to pay close attention to details. These leaders and managers listen to more than what is said and discern more than what is said.

Managers Grid: A model that helps determine the type of manager and leader needed in the organization. This grid identifies the potential strengths and weaknesses of a manager, helping to understand potential impact to organizational environment.

Authentic Leadership: Those leaders that are positive and build relationships, promoting openness, and improving team effectiveness.

Multi-Organizational Culture: Is a collaboration of individuals in an organization that can take many forms, due to managerial systems, operating systems, and leadership styles.

Self-Model: This is a concept that provides an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and explaining a person’s consciousness and self.

Authenticity: Being true to who you are, it is the persons actions that are consistent with their desires and beliefs no matter the situation or external pressure.

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