Breaking Down Barriers With Artificial Intelligence (AI): Cross-Cultural Communication in Foreign Language Education

Breaking Down Barriers With Artificial Intelligence (AI): Cross-Cultural Communication in Foreign Language Education

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9893-4.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Cross-cultural communication has gained significance in recent years as a result of the ubiquitous effects of globalization on interpersonal interactions. Face-to-face language encounters, however, might not always be convenient or possible. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology provides a solution to this issue by facilitating language exchanges and fostering intercultural dialogue. In this chapter, the use of AI technology in language learning, especially for cross-cultural communication, is explored by mentioning the benefits of AI technology in language instruction, such as the provision of individualized feedback and interaction with both native and non-native speakers of the target languages. Additionally, the chapter addresses possible issues posed by the AI technology, including cultural prejudices and solutions for them. Finally, case studies of productive AI-facilitated language exchange platforms are provided, along with various AI-powered solutions that might improve learners' cross-cultural competence.
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Advantages Of Ai Technology In Language Learning

The field of language learning can greatly benefit from AI technology, which has the capacity to transform conventional methods and offer learners personalized learning experiences. In this sense, the opportunity to receive tailored feedback is a big advantage. AI-driven platforms for language learning can evaluate students’ performance and provide real-time feedback, identifying areas for further development and providing personalized recommendations for language improvement (Cardona et al., 2023; Jaiswal & Arun, 2021; Kumar, 2019). By helping learners address their unique language obstacles and achieve progress in meaningful ways, this individualized feedback may support a more successful and efficient foreign language learning process.

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