Breast Cancer Detection Using Different Classification and Ensemble Methods

Breast Cancer Detection Using Different Classification and Ensemble Methods

Tanisha Gupta, Piyush Gupta, Ved Pal, Komal Kumar Bhatia
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2508-4.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Breast cancer causes the cells in the breast to grow in an uncontrolled manner. Countless research has been conducted to enhance the timely diagnose of breast cancer, which expands the likelihood of survival and hence the survival rates. Mammography photographs were the focus of the majority of the investigation. Early detection of cancer is frequently delayed because symptoms are frequently not visible during the early stages of cancer. Mammography scans, on the other hand, can sometimes produce false positives, putting the patient health in danger. Different techniques, which are simpler to implement and perform better with different data sets, are needed to develop more reliable and safer forecasts. Healthcare data is huge and unstructured. Machine learning has long been the methodology of choice in breast cancer pattern classification and forecast modelling because of its distinct benefits based on feature identification from a comprehensive breast cancer dataset. The study evaluates and compares the results of seven different ML algorithms based on different performance metrics.
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1 Introduction

The presence of new emerging technologies in the medical field and the massive amount of patient data have made way for new strategies to develop for cancer prevention and detection. Whenever the cells present in the breast develop a malignant tumor, this is referred to as breast cancer. The human body has an enormous cell count. Cells grow when they are needed by the human body and die once they're no longer needed. This is the natural process of cells. The cells that develop in cancer even though they aren't needed by the body. These aberrant cell growths generate a lump, which is commonly referred to as a tumor Partial or complete timely detection and diagnosis can benefit cancer patients. Most frequent cancer in females is Breast Cancer, which can be cured if found early and treated appropriately with conventional treatments, but there is no natural cure for cancer. One in every two Indian females diagnosed with breast cancer dies, resulting in a 50% probability of fatality in India (Erlay et al., 2012; Bray et al., 2013). Early or timely detection of breast cancer is impossible since no signs are visible during the early stages of the disease. A regular mammogram test is the first and best tool for doctors to find out about early symptoms. Breast cancer can be prevented if a healthy lifestyle is maintained from a young age, which includes being physically active, limiting the use of alcohol, and proper food intake.

Artificial intelligence includes machine learning (ML). Because of its specific benefits based on feature identification from a large breast cancer dataset, ML has been a popular choice among researchers for breast cancer prediction. A dataset is provided for the learning, as a contrast to the normal approach, where results for all the cases are provided beforehand. The major objective of machine learning is to enable computers to understand themselves. Various machine learning methods are utilized to develop tools that aid in the detection and, ultimately, the reduction of patient mortality rates. The primary goal of these tools is to provide faster analysis of large amounts of data while avoiding potential diagnostic and detection errors.ML algorithms are widely utilized in the creation of prediction models to enhance successful decision-making. Cancerous cells can form lumps of tissue, also referred to as tumors. Benign tumors are non-cancerous, which means they do not spread and grow at a slow pace, whereas malignant tumors are cancerous, which means they grow rapidly, destroying nearby tissues and spreading at a higher pace.

Tumors are classified as benign or malignant using the Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) dataset. The dataset comprise of a repository with 569 data points separated into 212 malignant (M) and 357 benign (B) categories. The classification is based on ten separate features. In real-world data, there are large groupings of missing and noisy data. To eliminate these errors and produce confident forecasts, the data is preprocessed. When cleaning acquired data, noise and missing values are prevalent. To generate an accurate and useful output, the noise in the data must be removed, and missing values must be filled in. The method includes smoothing, normalization, and aggregation. The entire dataset is broken down into two portions. The training data is often used to train the algorithm which provides data points with answers, and the algorithm is used to categories data points as malignant or benign tumor in the testing dataset. In this chapter, four performance metrics are utilized to evaluate several supervised machine learning algorithms: accuracy, recall, precision, and F1-Score.

Rest of the Experiment is split up into nine different sections. The Section 2 covers about breast cancer in both sexes in general. Section 3 delves into the fundamentals of machine learning as well as its various manifestations. Section 4 displays the related work. The methodology of the experiment, as well as the dataset, are detailed in Section 5. The various machine learning techniques utilized in this experiment are explained in Section 6. The simulation findings and interpretations are presented in Section 7. Section 8 concludes the findings and discusses breast cancer.

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