Computer Graphics Reflection in African Digital Age Visual Designs: An Alternative to Paint Box Design in 21st Century

Computer Graphics Reflection in African Digital Age Visual Designs: An Alternative to Paint Box Design in 21st Century

Bankole E. Oladumiye
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8679-3.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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African concept of visual design was derived from the concept of creation which has been noted to be the exclusive preserved of the gods. Design and art as it were, are created with intrinsic value such as inventions, innovations technical prowess and deep imagination. To create design in Africa content is unique therefore; design forms which keep on occurring in African arts obviously have significance in the life of those who created them for the purpose of aesthetics and beauty in African digital designs This paper is not mere description or just an historical narration of African digital design and visuals but centers on the deviation of African people from their original system of design and imbibing computer graphic digital application as an alternative to pen and paint box creative designs The paper concluded that the conventional African visual designs should be guided against because African design is center on values and experience which is concern with the essence of African personality and existence of transmission of design legacy from parents to children which leads to physical or merit pattern, which later becomes the object of perception, admiration, and utilization. Computer graphics and visual design reflection in African design is therefore cognitive reaction scientifically which implies conceptualization and, inspiration in 21st century.
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Reflections In African Digtal Visual Designs

Over the years, new designs and motifs based on cultural, economic and political scenes have emerged. The emerging design exhibits a high degree of technical skills, regularity of forms, and symmetrical arrangement of designs in motifs and rhythmic movements which give the patrons aesthetic pleasures which are not present in the alternative digital computer graphics.]The above statement attracted interested researchers to document various aspects of designs and motifs in African grand style. It was believed that designs like symbols have mythological impact and are often on the history and culture of the environment. Reports from studies and researchers, consulted among others, indicate that African designs and motifs have protective powers in the past because the early motifs and design which were adopted from the body tattoos and geometric shapes, used to embellish the village shrines were to attract the divinity of immortality longevity and increase. These cannot be obtained from the digital computer graphic designs.

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