Contribution of EMIS Platforms to Education Management and Recent Applications

Contribution of EMIS Platforms to Education Management and Recent Applications

Mehmet Akif Ocak, Abdullah Alper Efe
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1408-5.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of educational management information systems (EMIS), which has a great importance in educational organizations. By the development of information technologies, EMIS became very popular in educational management issues. EMIS systems allow students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other stakeholders to analyze, synthesize, and disseminate educational data. This chapter focuses on data process, analysis, synthesis, and design process of educational management information systems. EMIS systems help educators to handle information management. This chapter, in depth, argues data storage, accuracy, planning, scalability, and transparency issues of EMIS systems. The focus is on how using EMIS systems helps educational administrators and decision makers as well as educational systems and economy.
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Radical and dramatic changes in computer and information technologies (ICT) effected the working style in planning and management issues. By using relevant computer technology support, the management and planning processes in all sectors embraced the need for speed, precision and decision-making and record keeping. This trend raised a new approach called “management information system” (MIS). Although MIS systems are not new, information technology helped to develop a new MIS approach by integrating internet and web resources. New MIS approach made dramatic changes in all sectors including financial institutions, transportation, health sectors, and finally education(O’Brien & Marakas, 2006). MIS systems allowed managers to control, quantify, and disseminate an organization’s expanse of data. (Petrides, & Guiney, 2002). The use of MIS systems firstly appeared in business environment. For example, finance and accounting begun to use MIS systems for computer based computations. Then, MIS systems seemed to change in human resources and manufacturing with the help of information technology. In such systems, database management and information management work together to handle the large quantitative data. The pressure coming from need for speed, efficiency and accuracy pushed organizations to make rapid decision and obtain fast and reliable information (Bhila, & Maseru, 2018). Thus, MIS systems increased the use of computer technology needed to manage information, and interpret data for decision-making. Transaction processing systems (payroll systems, order processing systems, stock control systems etc.), decision support systems and experts systems are some examples of MIS. It is also important to indicate that MIS systems include Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) and Student Information Systems (SIS) systems.

Key Terms in this Chapter

LMS: Learning Management System by which a teacher delivers content to students via Internet, monitor students’ progress, and evaluate them.

2023 Vision Report: Turkish MoNE announced 2023 Vision Report in 2018. The Vision Report emphasizes the need for data-based, participatory, holistic, and long-term policies for Turkish Education system. MoNE argues that 2023 Vision Report is long-awaited and promising step towards meeting educational needs.

MoNE: Turkey’s Ministry of National Education (MoNE). MoNE is responsible to operate Turkish Education Management Information System. MoNE initiated the MEBSIS/Turkish EMIS system in 2007.

MEBBIS: Abbreviation of Turkish Education Management Information System.

EBA: Egitim Bilisim Agi/Education Information Network (EIN) provided by MoNE to reinforce the subjects learned with the help of digital documents.

EMIS: Education Management Information System.

SIS: Student Information System/or School Information System.

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