Craft and Project Work for Young Language Learners: Setting Up Projects to Maximize Language Learning

Craft and Project Work for Young Language Learners: Setting Up Projects to Maximize Language Learning

Frances Jane Shiobara
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6487-5.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Most young learners love craft projects, whether it's drawing, coloring, or creating. For this reason, many language teachers have incorporated craft projects into their classes. Although craft activities are enjoyable, there is a real risk that very little language acquisition may take place, if the planning and realization of the craft in class is not carefully carried out with language as a priority. This chapter will explain the benefits of incorporating craft projects within a second language learning curriculum and how these activities can be adapted to maximize language acquisition. There will be a clear explanation of the pedagogical background to incorporating craft projects as well as detailed descriptions of the types of craft projects that might be the most effective, and how to adapt craft projects to incorporate some of the best practices of teaching English to young learners.
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Literature was gathered through internet searches on research into early childhood education as well as standard literature on second language acquisition (SLA). Most of the research was from the last ten years, but older seminal studies were also included. Due to the limited research into the effect of art or craftwork on language acquisition, it was necessary to include a variety of research only related to craftwork or only related to second language learning. This has led to a broad selection of literature from various fields of education research.

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