Digital Bridges: Extending ICT To Rural Communities Using Space Technologies

Digital Bridges: Extending ICT To Rural Communities Using Space Technologies

Phillip Olla
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-624-2.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Space technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. Nevertheless, a number of countries still lack the human, technical and financial resources required to conduct even the most basic space-related activities, such as meteorology, communications natural-resource management and education. The need to make the benefits of space technology available to all countries has thus grown more urgent with each passing year. This chapter proposes a two phased approach for using space technology to deliver Information Communication Technologies (ICT) to underserved areas. The first phase involves the definition and implementation of the Satellite Global infrastructure to provide connectivity to underserved regions. The second phase introduces the concept of a Coalition of Space Internet Providers (COSIP) model. The aim of this model is to encourage the diffusion of space technology delivered by the GBBS infrastructure to the grassroots level. The model defines how Internet capabilities should be introduced to rural underprivileged societies to provide health and educational services in a sustainable manner. This model is a reincarnation of the Local Information Utility (LIU) model that was successfully implemented over a decade ago, to aid the diffusion of the Internet to rural American communities. This chapter explains the technology at the foundation of the COSIP model and describes the actors required along with their roles and responsibilities.

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