Digital Marketing in Times of COVID-19: An Analysis of the Communication Strategies of Spanish SMEs Through the Web and Social Media

Digital Marketing in Times of COVID-19: An Analysis of the Communication Strategies of Spanish SMEs Through the Web and Social Media

Lola García-Santiago
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6799-9.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter focuses on an analysis of the communicative marketing strategies carried out by Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through their digital media channels (websites, blogs, Twitter, and Facebook profiles). The content analysis allowed the authors to identify strategies of inbound marketing and engagement with users on social networks. Regarding the latter, they identify whether the paradox of the positive can be fulfilled. The methodology included, on the one hand, a qualitative analysis of corporate web communications in different social media. On the other hand, the content of messages was categorised into elements of digital marketing. The results obtained show the Spanish web panorama of interaction, engagement, and communication strategies of entrepreneurial SMEs in COVID-19 context, during and after lockdown.
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Businesses are implementing their strategies through digital content marketing (Hollebeek & Macky, 2019). And along with this, they are attracting new customers, achieving engagement (Ashley & Tuten, 2015, Raso, 2016), obtaining lead conversion sales (Kakkar 2017), improving corporate reputation and image (Duhon 2015) and loyalty (Wang et al., 2017). This type of inbound marketing has the advantage of using the communications media that the company itself has on the internet –website, blog, social networks,..– to control and disseminate content. Furthermore, it is possible to design, plan and relate this content in order for users to carry out other types of leads, such as the link to content published by the company on other platforms –so called relational marketing.

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