Digital Mental Health Support for Students in Higher Institutions in Nigeria During Pandemics

Digital Mental Health Support for Students in Higher Institutions in Nigeria During Pandemics

Abel Ebiega Enokela
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7991-6.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter examined the challenges associated with students' mental health in a pandemic period like the COVID-19 era and the expected coordinated response measures that should be in place to mitigate such challenges with focus on the mental health of students in institutions of higher learning in Nigeria, the most populous nation on the continent of Africa. Specifically, the review strengthened the need for school counselors' going back to the drawing board to come up with modalities that could keep students psychologically and emotionally healthy. Students normally enjoy school community life but would have to adjust their patterns of social interactions during an outbreak of an infectious disease. The review explored and applied the assumptions of social support theory which laid emphasis on supportive relationships within social contexts. School counselors were charged in this chapter to engage their students' community with digital mental health support to help them remain mentally healthy in spite of the adverse events usually provoked by the presence of a pandemic.
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Impacts of pandemics have dominated research discourse since the outbreak of Covid-19, with varying emphases depending on research interests or concerns. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary researches bringing researchers from different areas of specializations are inevitable to address some of the challenges posed to humanity as a result of an outbreak of a contagious disease like Covid-19. Pandemics could pose considerable mental health challenges to many students in Nigeria, as a result of increased cases of robberies and violent crimes (Kalu, 2020), boredom, loneliness, poverty and anxiety which could come as aftermaths. Appropriate counselling therapeutic intervention is necessary to curb or flatten the curve of rising cases of psychological distresses among students, especially those in the higher institutions of learning, as consequences of a pandemic could be devastating. Following experts’ observation, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic will generate considerable stress throughout the world (WHO, 2020; CDC, 2020; UNICEF, 2020). Generally, mental health problems among students are on the increase with a number of them requiring therapeutic interventions (Macaskil, 2012; Lambie, Haugen, Borland, & Campbell, 2019; Christian, & Brown, 2018). Mental health could have negative statistical association with high morbidity rate that is capable of putting families and societies in a turmoil (Oostenbrink, Batelaan, De Graaf, & Beekman, 2006). As the world is battling with one of the most devastating pandemic- Covid-19, digitalization has to be extended to the counseling domain in order to help people, particularly, Nigerian students in institutions of higher learning for them to benefit from digital therapeutics. Mental health support to students is critical, drawing upon the claim of Starling Minds (2021) which stressed that over 90% of support and resources were provided for physical ailments with mental illness receiving little attention, and thereby increasing the number of mental health challenges among individuals as a result of lack of trained professionals to attend to them. This means that during a period of a pandemic, many students are likely to face a lot of mental health problems if therapists do not rise to help with an appropriate approach. Considerably, tertiary students’ community life is crucial for their overall socialization processes, but when there is an outbreak of an infectious disease, this pattern would be altered. Thus, school counselors have the duty of facilitating a virtual community life among tertiary students to reduce boredom, isolation, depression, frustration and even suicide thoughts that may be threatening their mental wellbeing. The Nigerian Policy on Education (FRN, 2004; 2013) stipulated the need for counseling services in Nigerian schools to support students’ career, education and emotional wellbeing. This makes it important for school counselors to wake up to render mental health services to students in the higher institutions of learning for the students to remain emotional healthy during a pandemic like Covid-19.

The world has consistently witnessed pandemics at various times. Huremović (2019) in a brief history of pandemics noted the Athenian plague of 430–26  B.C.; the Antonine plague of 161–180 A.D. believed to have been caused by smallpox; the Justinian plague of mid-6th century AD pandemic thought to have been caused by Yersinia Pestis; The Black Death, a bubonic pandemic which originated in China in 1334,with 60% fatalities in Europe; the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918–1920, adjudged to be the first real global pandemic; the Smallpox outbreak in former Yugoslavia in 1972 ; the SARS outbreak, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which occurred in 21st century with origin in China; the Swine Flu or H1N1/09 Pandemic in 2009; the Ebola Outbreak of 2014–2016, caused by Ebola virus; and the ZIKA outbreak in 2015–2016. All these pandemics made their negative impacts on lives of people at various points in history. However, the Covid-19 pandemic which started in China in 2019 seems to be the most devastating global pandemic in recent time. This has made Covid-19, which was still prevalent as at the time of writing this chapter, to attract research multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary attention, perhaps more than any other pandemic so far.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Pandemic: A pandemic refers to an outbreak of a disease that spreads from the area it originated to other countries or continents, usually creating high fatalities and many other consequences. One of the most dangerous pandemics of the recent time is the Covid-19 which originated from Wuhan Province in China and spread to other parts of world, creating unprecedented pandemonium in all spheres of life, including prolong lockdowns that is still having consequences on people, including students.

Mental Health: Mental health refers to one’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It involves one’s feelings and reasoning. Mental health determines individual’s ability to cope with stress in order to maintain an adaptive lifestyle amidst life stressors. Absence of substantial mental health could lead to impairment of daily functioning. Student mental health is very important for them to cope with their studies and interact adaptively with their peers, family members and significant others.

Therapists: Therapists refer to different professionals that are found in the helping profession. They are involved in providing psychological help to people. Therapists include psychotherapists, social workers, and counselors. In this review the term is used interchangeably with counselors.

Digital Therapy: Digital therapy could be called by various names like online counseling, e-therapy, and e-counseling. It simply refers to mental health delivery through electronic devices which may involve the internet. Digital therapy involves text messaging, telephonic interaction, video conferencing, emails and so on. With the advancement in the digital world, artificial intelligence has tremendously impacted on digital therapy.

Students: The term ‘students’ refers to individuals registered and recognized as learners in educational institutions like colleges and universities for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and skills that could enhance personal developments to prepare them for the world of work. In this review, the term, ‘students’, was used with exclusivity to students in institutions of higher learning.

Counseling: Counseling refers to a professional therapeutic relationship aimed at helping individuals, families, and groups to have access to mental health to able to boost their resilience to cope with life’s challenges. The term, like many other psychological constructs, does not have a consensus definition. However, the overall aim of counseling is to help individuals to realize themselves, so that they can take appropriate decisions that enhance emotional and psychological adjustments.

Social media: Social media refers to a computer and internet-based means of interacting and sharing of information with others through networking sites. Social media platforms have helped immensely with fast dissemination of information through text, audio, and video modes.

School Counselors: Counselors are trained Professionals who could help individuals, including students to understand themselves, their challenges, and possible solutions to those challenges to enhance emotional stability. School counselors are specifically counselors who work with students, providing professional helps in education, career, and mental health through counseling processes. The term was used in this review exclusively for counselors, psychologists, and social workers who are involved in counseling students in tertiary institutions.

Social Support: Social support refers to support that people receive to help them to cope with adversities of life. Social support could be emotional support which could help people to cope with stress, instrumental support, which involves tangible or physical support like monetary or food support; and informational support, which involves giving of information that could help others in need of such information.

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