Digital Transformation Process in Selection and Implementation of an Electronic Document Management System

Digital Transformation Process in Selection and Implementation of an Electronic Document Management System

Leyla Özgür Polat
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8169-8.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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An electronic document management system (e-DMS) is an information system that allows creating, distributing, filing, storing, searching, destroying, and archiving documents concerning certain criteria and standards as a critical part of every digital transformation. It is known that correspondence processes in public institutions such as universities are time-consuming activities that increase workload and bureaucracy. Therefore, it is a critical issue to select and implement the suitable e-DMS software which systematically supports institutions in managing the documents they produce in their work processes. This chapter provides decision support to the institutional managers for selecting proper software, the preparation process before the application, transformation stages, and the environmental benefits after the implementation of the system are shown with their workflows through an actual application in a university. Digital transformation of the system provides both environmental and social benefits for institutions beside its material benefits such as time and labour.
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Digitization refers to the internal optimization of processes such as work automation, paper minimization and results in cost reductions. Digital transformation requires different comprehensive actions that need to be taken by organizations to face new digital technologies (Yildiz et al., 2021). Whatever of the organizational or operational scope is every organization needs to manage documents to execute and sustain its operational processes (van der Voet et al., 2004). Their collection, storage, management, and archive are significant cost for organisations if those documents are especially in the paper form. According to Armenia et al. (2021) “The dematerialization of documents is a key aspect in the digital transformation of an organization as it allows improving internal processes, structures, and working practices through the application of digital technology, hence improving internal efficiency, effectiveness, rationalization, simplification, and other reformulated goals”. The digital transformation implies a deep change in many areas inside the public institutions, both on a technical perspective and from the tools needed to reach all the actions, up to the following redefinition of a Document Management System (Bruno de & George Leal, 2021; Casalino et al., 2017). Therefore, document transactions should be conducted with Electronic DMS (e-DMS), an information system that allows creating, distributing, filing, storing, searching, destroying, and archiving documents with respect to certain criteria and standards. It is a known fact that correspondence processes in the public institutions such as universities are time-consuming activities that increase the workload and bureaucracy. In this scope, e-DMS is an indispensable system in the digitalization and effectiveness of universities (Çubukçu & Aktürk, 2020). Therefore, it is a critical issue to select and implement the suitable e-DMS software which systematically supports institutions in managing the documents they produce in their work processes. In today's age of information, with all the important developments in Information Technologies (IT) sector, many public institutions have switched to e-DMS applications allowing creation, distribution, filing and storage of documents so that both internal and external correspondences are executed more effectively and more quickly in the electronic environment as a result of policies for transformation to e-Government. More of an imperative rather than a choice for the states of the world in the 21st century, e-Government is amongst the most important items in the present agenda of reformation of the public sector (Annttiroiko, 2008). Beside the laws and legislations, usage of e-DMS has become a necessity for institutions to benefit from the advantages of electronic environment such as reducing direct and indirect costs in public expenditures (Michael & Maximilian, 2014; Zantout & Marir, 1999). As a result of these developments in public institutions, it has become a necessity that universities switch to e-DMS applications accordingly. Thus, many universities have reached the stage of deploying the most suitable e-DMS application as per the criteria they have determined. Therefore, a selection process should be performed among the software that meets all rules, laws, and legislations. The problem which was considered in this chapter is to prevent time and material losses that occur due to the steps taken in order to improve the effectiveness of e-DMS software selection and transformation process for public institutions and organizations, particularly universities.

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