Early Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis Using Multi-Modal CASENet CNN-LSTM

Early Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis Using Multi-Modal CASENet CNN-LSTM

N. Gayathri, S. Rakesh Kumar, U. Janardhan Reddy, Midde Ranjit Reddy, G. Ravikanth
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2109-6.ch014
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By analyzing the deviation of features earlier stages can be segmented with subtle patterns in patients' handwriting dynamics and voice recordings, this innovative method showcases deep learning's potential to revolutionize medical diagnostics. By applying Casenet convolutional neural network framework, a hybrid architecture incorporating CNNs and improved long short-term memory networks is implemented using Kaggle datasets, which excels in spatial feature extraction from handwriting features with individual cases. while LSTM captures temporal patterns from voice recordings. Demonstrating a robust 94.6% accuracy rate, the model proves its effectiveness in Parkinson's disease prediction in earlier stages that can support complete diagnosis. Model assessment includes precision, recall, and F1-score evaluations using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) by integrating the Casenet CNN framework to enhance the diagnosis system and reliable accuracy that can predict early detection of Parkinson's disease from multimodal data.
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Utilizing handwriting and voice documents as potential indicators, deep learning aids in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Pen pressure, pace, as well as stroke patterns are among the fine motor skill details that deep learning algorithms record for handwriting analysis. The models identify variations in pitch, rhythm, as well as other acoustic characteristics associated with Parkinson's symptoms in voice recordings (Mohaghegh et al. 2021). The accuracy of diagnosis is improved by combining all of these multimodal sources of data. Deep learning models that have been trained on a variety of datasets detect minute patterns that point to the illness, enabling early diagnosis and treatment. Generalizability is guaranteed by validation on different datasets. Applications for real-time monitoring enable people to capture and examine their speech and handwriting, enabling ongoing health evaluation. In order to handle privacy issues, ethical issues, and regulatory compliance, deep learning is potentially useful to improve accuracy of PD diagnosis as well as provide timely insights for efficient patient treatment. This can be achieved through collaboration with healthcare experts (Saravanan et al. 2022).

Followed by Alzheimer's disease, PD which stands for Parkinson's disease is the second most prevalent highly progressing neurological illness (Loh et al. 2021). Using voice recordings and handwriting, techniques from artificial intelligence are utilized for creating a system to perform diagnosis of this disease. DL stands for Deep learning is an artificial intelligence application that allows computers to learn without explicit programming. Intelligence of humans is imitated with the help of learning processes done from the history of data available. The applications of deep learning includes recognition of text, retrieval of information, analysis of market as well as healthcare and so on.

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