Economic Anomie and Suicide During War Times

Economic Anomie and Suicide During War Times

Ismet Nezih Abanoz
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6741-1.ch009
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The study consists of examining the relationship between suicides that took place in Turkey between 1975 and 2019, economic factors under the influence of wars, and crude suicide rates. In this context, the effects of factors such as unemployment, inflation, per capita gross domestic product, and economic crises on suicides are analyzed by the time series method. ARDL (auto regressive distributed lag bound test) was used in the study. It has been determined that suicides are positively related to the 1994 and 2001 economic crises during war times in Turkey. In addition, it has been contended that there is a positive relationship with the gross domestic product.
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Research Methodology

The relationships between GDP per capita, unemployment rate, inflation rate, economic crises and crude suicide rate data between 1975-2019 were examined using ARDL bounds test approach.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Economy: It is the ability of people to live best with the values ??they have. Income, expenditure and savings are the most determining factors in economy. If macroeconomic balances such as unemployment, inflation and income are disturbed, microeconomic balances will also deteriorate, and social, cultural problems are inevitable for people when this balance cannot be achieved.

Anomie: Contrary to popular understanding, anomie is not anomalous. When Durkheim comments on anomie, he mentions economic anomie. Anomia occurs in a moment of sudden and surprising change and transformation or chaos. Suicides may also increase in economic growth in periods of unbalanced income distribution.

Suicide: Suicedere, “sui” (me), which means to kill oneself in Latin; and “cedere” (to kill) and it was translated into English as “suicide” (to kill oneself or to commit suicide).

Crisis: It describes the situations in which people are affected economically, socially, psychologically and similarly in sudden and extraordinary situations. In times of crisis, crimes against property increase in crime rates.

War: It is the most destructive situation in the competition of a country with another country or countries. Wars involve armed conflicts between two or more countries. Wars are the most brutal of the current crises.

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