Empowering Students With Ideological and Political Education and Bridging the Gap in Modern Democracies' Ideological Division

Empowering Students With Ideological and Political Education and Bridging the Gap in Modern Democracies' Ideological Division

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8837-9.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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This book chapter explores the vital role of ideological and political education in empowering school students to bridge the growing gap of ideological division within modern democracies. In an era marked by diverse perspectives and polarized beliefs, the need to foster understanding, empathy, and critical thinking among young citizens has never been more crucial. The chapter delves into the significance of providing students with a comprehensive education that equips them with the knowledge and tools to navigate complex political landscapes and engage in constructive dialogue with those holding differing ideologies. This chapter highlights the potential impact of empowering students with a well-rounded ideological and political education to foster cohesion, tolerance, and unity in diverse societies. Through this exploration, educators, policymakers, and concerned citizens gain insights into the transformative potential of ideological and political education as a means to build a more cohesive and harmonious future for modern democracies.
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2. Ideological Division In Modern Democracies

In modern democracies, ideological division refers to the existence of divergent political beliefs and values among the citizens and political actors (Davidai & Ongis, 2019). These divisions often stem from differing interpretations of societal needs, moral principles, and visions for the future. Ideological differences shape political discourse, policy debates, and electoral processes, making them an essential element of democratic systems. Ideological divisions in democracies can be categorized into several broad categories, such as conservatism, liberalism, socialism, nationalism, environmentalism, and religious fundamentalism (Dalton, 2006). These ideologies reflect varying perspectives on issues such as the role of government, economic systems, social justice, individual liberties, and cultural values. Ideological divisions are often manifested through political parties, interest groups, and social movements, which mobilize supporters and compete for power and influence.

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