English as a Main Driver for International Business: A Northern Mexican Case

English as a Main Driver for International Business: A Northern Mexican Case

Areli Y. Rodriguez-Elizondo, Ruben Mizael Barrera, Viridiana Barrera, Gerardo Tijerina
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6591-2.ch009
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The city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas is full of maquiladoras that come from abroad to settle. In turn, these export mostly to the United States, because Reynosa is a border with the aforementioned country. Businesses and agreements have been created that until now have prospered successfully. Speaking English has long ceased to be an added value, and its importance is increasingly evident to professionals and companies, who see this language as the door to better job opportunities, expansion into the world, and new businesses. In Reynosa, there are about 125,945 students pursuing a university degree, among which are, to mention a few: bachelor's degree in economics, international trade, computer systems engineering, architecture, production systems engineering, industrial engineering, and mechatronics engineering, among others. The present research is expected to show the main factor as to why students from 18 to 23 years old in Reynosa, Tamaulipas between 2022 and 2023 are interested in learning English.
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Spacial Delimitation

The present investigation will be focus in the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, this because this area is accessible to could make a study.

Temporal Delimitation

This investigation will be focus between 2022 and 2023 (time that this investigation will last), this because we are going to be focus in the currently time that is relevant for this work.

Social Delimitation

This investigation will be focus in students between the age of 18 – 23 that is the age that the students go into college and is when they still have the opportunity of learn English in time.

Topic Delimitation

This investigation will be focus in if the students are interested in learning English and what are the factors that take them to want to learn it.


Research Statement

In Reynosa, Tamaulipas which is the main factor that take the students between the age of 18 – 23 between the years 2022 – 2023 to be interested in learn English?


In Reynosa, Tamaulipas the main factor that take the students between the age of 18 – 23 between the years 2022 – 2023 to be interested in learning English is because they know the importance that it has in the labor area.


The present investigation is important and necessary due that people think that nowadays a huge part of students that are doing a degree do not know English, however, they do want to learn it, one of the possible factors is because they do know the importance of speak English has in the labor area.

This investigation is important to the young students because in this way people could be more conscious of the fact of the importance of English in the labor area and of the many doors this second language could open, and to make students not only have the intention of learn it but also to start learning it as soon as possible and practice it while they still have time.

General Objective

The general objective this investigation has is determinate the main factor that takes students between the age of 18 – 23 in Reynosa, Tamaulipas between the years 2022 – 2023, to be interested in learning English is because the importance this language has in the labor area.

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