Enhancing Engagement With Personalized Recommendations With AI-Powered Recommender Systems

Enhancing Engagement With Personalized Recommendations With AI-Powered Recommender Systems

Thanks Hondoma
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2165-2.ch009
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The study investigates the profound impact of personalized recommendations on user engagement within digital platforms, emphasizing the crucial role of algorithmic accuracy and contextual factors. The findings reveal that tailored recommendations significantly enhance user satisfaction and platform engagement by aligning with individual preferences. The study underscores the necessity of addressing algorithmic challenges, including filter bubbles and prediction precision, to maintain user trust. Contextual factors, such as user behavior and time, are identified as dynamic variables shaping recommendation effectiveness. Recommendations include continuous monitoring, user feedback loops, and exploring hybrid models to optimize recommender systems. However, limitations related to data privacy, algorithmic bias, system scalability, and generalizability are acknowledged. Suggestions for future research encompass cross-cultural considerations, real-time adaptation, novel algorithmic approaches, ethical dimensions, and investigating long-term user engagement impacts.
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2. Background To The Study

Recommender systems have undergone a remarkable evolution, tracing their roots back to the early stages of information retrieval systems. The inception of collaborative filtering can be attributed to the work of Goldberg et al. (1992) with the development of the Tapestry project, a pioneering effort that laid the foundation for user-based collaborative filtering. As technology progressed, the field witnessed the emergence of content-based filtering algorithms, which focused on item attributes to make personalized recommendations (Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, 2005). This dichotomy set the stage for hybrid recommender systems that combine collaborative and content-based approaches to enhance recommendation accuracy (Burke, 2002).

The turn of the century marked a significant paradigm shift with the advent of matrix factorization techniques, prominently demonstrated by the Netflix Prize competition in 2006 (Koren, 2009). This event spurred innovation and fueled research into matrix factorization methods, such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Alternating Least Squares (ALS), which became pivotal in improving recommendation accuracy. Subsequently, the rise of deep learning in the 2010s reshaped the recommender systems landscape. Notable breakthroughs, including the development of neural collaborative filtering (He et al., 2017), showcased the power of neural networks in capturing complex user-item interactions.

The era of big data also played a transformative role, enabling recommender systems to harness vast amounts of user-generated data for more precise predictions. With the advent of platforms like Amazon and Netflix, real-world applications of recommender systems became evident, driving the need for scalable and efficient algorithms. The integration of context-awareness further refined recommendations by considering temporal, spatial, and situational factors (Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, 2011).

Advancements in reinforcement learning brought forth novel approaches to recommender systems, allowing algorithms to dynamically adapt to user feedback over time (Zhao et al., 2020). The utilization of graph-based models, exemplified by Graph Neural Networks (Wu et al., 2021), introduced the capability to leverage complex relationships between users and items, particularly beneficial in social recommendation scenarios. The incorporation of fairness-aware algorithms became a focal point, addressing concerns related to biases and ensuring equitable recommendations across diverse user groups (Ekstrand et al., 2018).

In recent years, attention has also turned toward explainability and interpretability in recommender systems (Lam et al., 2021). As these systems become more sophisticated, the need to demystify their decision-making processes becomes paramount, particularly in applications where user trust and transparency are critical. Ethical considerations surrounding user data privacy have gained prominence, necessitating the development of privacy-preserving recommender systems (Masthoff et al., 2020).

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