Estimation and Control of the Development of Electronic Resources in Russia

Estimation and Control of the Development of Electronic Resources in Russia

Marina Vajndorf-Sysoeva, Tatiana Grjaznova
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9489-7.ch028
(Individual Chapters)
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In this chapter methods of virtual estimation and control of the development of electronic educational resources for teachers in Russian Federation are explained by professors Vardan Mkrttchian and Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva. To implement the training of a modern teacher into the modern professional activities the concept of using virtual learning environment has been developed. All training materials should be stored in one place where a student can refer to them, with comments and recommendations, and in the amount that is possible to study on the subject or topic. Authors' joint research, search and demonstrate some of new opportunities for effective educational process which allows us to find common ground with the virtual learning environment and create our own unique electronic educational resources.
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Significant changes affecting absolutely all spheres of life are so intense and rapid that the system of secondary and higher vocational education has lagged behind on competence issues and no longer able to solve the problem of specialist training in any field of professional activity. It mainly refers to workers in the sphere of general and higher education, first and foremost - to teachers. The teacher does not just have to keep up with advances in science, technology and information, but also advance the quality of education and implement this progress in his professional growth.

Pedagogical aspect - Didactic system of continuous pedagogical education, on the one hand, should reflect all the typical components of educational process: objectives, contents, and methods, organizational forms, learning tools, based on the scientific achievements of domestic and foreign pedagogy. On the other hand, it should be focused on modern educational innovations in its essential characteristics: innovation as an imperative and system characteristics, both objective and principle, and the means, forms and methods of teaching. Only with such a multi-dimensional realization of didactic innovation system we can create preconditions for “nurturing” of the teacher as a creative person with a particular style of pedagogical activity and thinking. In the construction of didactic system of continuous pedagogical education, combines the traditional with the innovative, it is important to find a combination of variant and invariant components of the system as an organic relationship which can provide teachers with continual science-based and innovation-oriented training and professional development.

Let us specify some definitions.

Virtual Learning Environment is a set of educational subjects, informational content and communication capabilities of local, corporate and global computer networks formed and used for educational purposes by all participants in the system of training and continuous professional development. Virtual learning environment is created and developed for effective communication of all participants in the educational process: teachers, educators, tutors, network administrators, and students.

Educational electronic resources are educational resources presented in a digital form which include structure, subject content and metadata. There are conditions that act as the requirements of unconditional and conditional nature in relation to the implementation of the innovative capacity of the educational system and these conditions are considered as the rules of training teachers for using a virtual learning environment. The norms usually include preparation / training of teachers to innovative activity in which the development of electronic educational resources is required

Orientation towards innovation - The imperative of innovation makes it impossible to create a teacher training course in new activities with the use of virtual educational environment simply by computerizing the traditional educational materials used for teaching skills improvement courses.

Orientation towards the needs of student – Now the student is responsible for using new information technology in the training, he becomes an active constructor of the learning process within the framework of technology of open models and asynchronous individual learning; he chooses a certain path of implementation of continuous professional development in a virtual learning environment.

Orientation towards a new type of teacher - Providing educational material within the subject-subject relation requires more active (compared to traditional training) and intense interaction between teachers, using communication technology of virtual educational environment.

Education in the environment of the future own professional activities is “Learning in a learning environment.” Virtual Learning Environment is multifunctional. Expanding these opportunities teacher acquires skills and at the same time the need for further use and development of the virtual educational environment.

Orientation towards the individual learning path- Full-time immersion into the learning environment, clear of the pedagogical activity allows you to experience fully the innovative capabilities of the virtual educational environment. However, the same effect is observed in the selection of remote learning mode in a virtual learning environment.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Activity Approach to Educational Interactions: According to this approach, educational interactions are considered as special types of human activities, directed to other people as subjects of interactions and reflected in E-learning environment.

Personal Learning Environment: Is self-organized learner’s information surrounding, developing in accordance with individual needs, demands and interests.

Algorithm of Educational Interactions: Sequence of actions, summarizing the typical features and generalized images of computer-tools based interactive tasks solutions.

E-Learning Environment: Software telecommunications environment, which provides technological means to conduct the educational process, its information support and documentation in the Internet to any number of educational institutions, regardless of their professional expertise and level of education.

Educational Interactions: Is the key component of any educational environment, representing joint activities and communication of educational environment participants. It is implemented in a dialectical unity of information form and content (educational resources), social experience transfer (communication) and management of this process (control).

Self-Assessment: Is the process of looking at oneself in order to evaluate important to one's identity aspects.

Digital Educational Resources: A set of software, information, technical and organizational support, that reflects a certain subject area and implements the technology for its study by different learning activities.

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