Ethics Courses Teaching Linkage to Quality Management Education

Ethics Courses Teaching Linkage to Quality Management Education

Damini Saini, Sunita Singh Sengupta
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1017-9.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Almost every management institution in India has an ethics course in their curriculum that is focused upon inculcating the value set in an individual. To understand the role of ethical education in accelerating the quality of management education, this chapter provides a discussion of implications of the questions of quality, dilemma, and pedagogy of ethical training. In the introduction, the authors emphasize on the reasons of focusing upon the ethical education, then give a brief history of ethics education in Indian management institutions. In order to show the significance, authors also show the place of ethics course in top 10 business institutions in India. Further, the authors describe the main focus of the chapter that is the contribution of ethics in management education.
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Why a course on ethics? This can be an important quest in era where almost every sphere is actually neglecting the ethics and values. People are actually running behind so many things in life and without being aware of the consequences they are taking decisions. There are so many areas where ethics can get fit and provide required rationality. Nevertheless in this chapter we will precisely talk about the higher education in management field and it’s correlation with ethics and values. Importance and requirement of ethics in management related courses is not new, more than two decades earlier the courses focused on ethics has been introduced in the management institutions of global importance.

In point of fact management is the main force that operates in the organization, spreads the value and seeds the morality in the environment and business leaders are the main role models to whom the employee look up. The never-ending list of failed corporations caught in scams and the magnitude of their leader’s desire for profit maximization with complete disregard to well beings of their employees and common shareholders indicate the sidelined importance of values and ethics in business Being the torchbearers whether in the case of a nation or a corporation, leaders show the path to their followers and set examples. Henceforth the related perspective phenomenon of values and ethics in the management education carries a huge importance in today’s corporate world. In the last few decades there are so many unethical activities happened in the corporate front in all over the world by which left the other people stunned. Then the leadership and the business schools were questioned about the prevalent practices and focus upon ethics in management has been intensified. Researchers worked persuasively upon business ethics and its consequences, organizational ethical climate and ethical leadership since then. Business colleges ought to be pioneers in delivering not “only” financial development and imperativeness additionally moral and socially dependable conduct; and along these lines business colleges ought to, and must, deliver business pioneers who can effectuate positive, esteem expanding change on a worldwide premise.

In the introduction of the chapter authors emphasize on the reasons of focusing upon the ethical education, then give a brief history of ethics education in Indian management institutions because of its focus on ethics courses in management. In order to show the significance of the course authors also list down the place of ethics course in top 10 business institution in India. Further they describe the main focus of the chapter that is contribution of ethics course in the quality management education. The chapter revolves around the related concept of ethics for instance responsibility, authenticity, self-reflection and spirituality of the top management in the various areas of organization which directly or indirectly affect their ethical instance of behavior and actions and highlights the importance of ethical education. Further the chapter is also consisting a single case which intensifies the dearth of a holistic approach of teaching ethics in universities. A few research propositions on the course of ethics and values also surfaced from this case. In the end we propose an idea of ethics and value related courses to show and how it complements and fits in the present education scenario.

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