Evaluating the Application of Leadership and Governance in Higher Education Institutions

Evaluating the Application of Leadership and Governance in Higher Education Institutions

Marwan Mohamed Abdeldayem, Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8279-4.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter aims to evaluate the application of leadership and governance in higher education (HE) organizations in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the UK. The method of the study relies on reading lists of governance standards from several advanced educational institutions and uses a “comparative methodology” based on the collected data from both counties. This research reviews the various models of “the higher education governance” and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of each model. The study employs the three principles of UNDP (transparency, participation, and accountability) to assess application of leadership and governance in higher education institutions. The findings of this study reveal that Arab universities need to perceive the significance of clarifying the reason for governance. The study likewise distinguishes the significance of relating their job and commitment to the procedure of change to the learning-based economy and world informatics. Further, it features the need of broadening the cooperation of stakeholders in the key basic leadership.
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1. Introduction

The coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic that began in the Chinese city of Wuhan has spread speedily the nation over and past its outskirts, leaving higher education institutions scrambling to moderate individual to-individual transmission of the infection. This pandemic is compelling worldwide experimentation with remote teaching. There are numerous markers that this outbreak will change numerous parts of life. Education could be one of them if virtual learning ends up being a triumph. Nevertheless, by what means will we know whether it is? As this emergency driven trial dispatches, we ought to gather information and focusing on the accompanying three inquiries concerning higher education's plan of action and the openness of quality college education. (1) Do students truly require a four-year private experience? (2) What enhancements are required in IT foundation to make it progressively appropriate for virtual or online education? (3) What preparing endeavors are required for staff and students to encourage changes in mentalities and practices?

The former president of Harvard University “Derek Bok” stated that “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance” and also Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Higher education has witnessed significant change over the last two decades, and in the Arab world in particular there is loudly movements. Despite holding degrees in the past was granted to the exclusive of the elite, however in the mid-twentieth century, higher education became accessible to the majority of people. Yet there is a gap between the labor market demand of specific skills and high professional graduates and the reality of classical and ordinary graduates.

Clearly, the Arab world is standing up to an insufficiency in organization in various territories, including higher education. Higher education is the wellspring from which society draws its future pioneers and addresses the necessities of the overall population (Altman 1996). Along these lines, Arab society needs more than ever to sustain its propelled training organization with a particular ultimate objective to address the present troubles and demands. Bedouin propelled instruction foundations need to strengthen their internal organization to address those new challenges and offer look for after a more promising time to come. “Around 36% of all HEIs are private in nature, while private fragment universities address more than 80% of all schools in Bahrain, Lebanon, Palestine, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. On the other hand, private schools incorporate under 20% of the total in Algeria, Iraq, Libya, and Morocco” (Wilkens 2011).

There has been an emotional increment in colleges related with Western countries and remote branch grounds, specifically in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar (Lasanowski 2010). “The challenge for all societies is to create a system of governance that promotes, supports and sustains human development – especially for the poorest and most marginal. But the search for a clearly articulated concept of governance has just begun” (UNDP 1997a: 2)

On contrary, the UK has been known at the highest point of HE part strategy changes with particular accentuation on animating sound budgetary administration by means of good inner administration courses of action, more noteworthy open responsibility and straightforwardness and more grounded execution (Vidovich and Currie, 2011; Parker, 2012; Rowlands, 2013).Legislative changes and arrangements forced by governments on open and private associations around the globe have been intended to enhance their administration game plans (Shattock, 2013).

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