Evolving e-Business Systems: Transgenic Forces in International Realpolitik Space in 2050

Evolving e-Business Systems: Transgenic Forces in International Realpolitik Space in 2050

Denis Caro
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-611-7.ch113
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter posits that transgenic governance forces are evolving and will engage future international e-business professionals in a multi-polar world of 2050. Social governance will be a cogent and compelling force in a tomorrow’s internationalized world community. This is a call to e-business professionals and academicians to understand and engage themselves in the underlying different perceptions and paradigms, or Weltanschauung, of diverse sectors in a world of rising new cultures. They must become “transgenic” in their perspective and seize every opportunity to develop and sensitize themselves to the socio-political dynamics that influence future growth and development of international e-business systems. An understanding of strategic socio-political forces serves as an inter-organizational learning paradigm that fosters innovation and social responsibility for the betterment of humankind internationally.
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E-business systems thrive through knowledge exchanges, relational and transactional capital transfers and are sustained through transactional processes. Tight coupling of international e-business systems require transactional and transformational leadership skill sets. The extant literature on critical success factors in international e- business systems, including B2B, B2C and collaborative interorganizational networks, stresses the importance of leadership, governance support, organizational learning, and knowledge management infrastructures. (Connelly, 2007; Ghosh, S. & M. Bertisen, 2007; Lee, C-P., G-G Lee & H-F Lin, 2007;Awazu, 2006; Jeon B.N., K.S.Han & M.J. Lee, 2006; Kumar, N. & Q.Peng, 2006). Moreover, the underlying theme of this literature stresses the importance of mutual international respect, understanding and shared visions as the fundamental basis for trust-the fundamental pillar of effective international e-business systems (Patel, T, 2007; Lu, X-H., L.-H. Huang & M.S.H. Heng, 2006; Mandal, P., 2006; Dubelaar, C., A. Sohal & V. Savic, 2005; Holsapple, C. W. & S. Sasidharan, 2005; Mandal P., 2004). Indeed the bridging of international digital divides, the deployment of responsible e-commerce systems, the productive development growth of future maquiladoras will depend on the fostering of these trust relationships (Rao, M.R. & Pomander, 2007; Ferguson, C. W. & D.C.Yen, 2006; Mandal, 2006).

Key Terms in this Chapter

WSR-Li Stage Model: Zhu’s “Wu-Shi-Ren Li” stage model that provides a framework to understand these dynamics in the Realpolitik of e-business systems globally. The model underscores the perspectives, sensing and the psycho-cognitive elements (“Shi-Li”) with socio-political elements and power structures (“Ren-Li”) to leverage technological resources (“Wu-Li”) (Zhu, 2001).

Transactional capital: Resources that are exchanged between e-business system agents and parties. This reflects the “Shi-li” dimension of Zhu’s WRS-Li stage model.

Class Order: The ranking of a polity that has or is projected to have significant strategic import on the evolution of e-business systems.

Eco-Space Power: A polity that is circumscribed and measured by millions of kms2 by 10% or more the largest geographical space of the Russian Federation of at 17, 075,200 km2.

International Realpolitik Space: The international geopolitical realities, whether explicit or implicit.

Intersectorial: Between socio-economic sectors that include aerospace, agriculture, aquaculture, biotechnology, defence, education, emergency preparedness, energy, environmental services, e-recruitment, financial services and banking, governance, health care, human capital services, humanitarian services, insurance services, information and communication technology, marketing, mining, ocean, pharmaceutical, retailing, space technology and transportation.

Relational Capital: Trust between e-business system parties. This reflects the “Wu-li” dimension of Zhu’s WRS-Li stage model.

Polities: An integrated socio-political entity with a defined and internationally recognized political centrum.

Human Capital Power: A polity that is circumscribed and measured by projected millions of humans by 10% or more the largest demographic of the Republic of India at 1, 807,000, 000 in the year 2050.

Weltanschauung: The views and paradigms deployed to understand world structures and dynamics.

Transgenic Forces: Those critical and potent socio-political elements environments, processes, structures and value constructs that are articulated through governance organizations, in which e-businesses take form, evolve and coalesce. They constitute and mirror a vital supra-level and socio-cultural “Ren-Li” dimension to Zhu’s WRS-Li stage model (Caro, 2008).

Evolving International E-Business Systems: The systemic formation, development, growth and evolutionof information and communication systems in human transactions.

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