Exploring the Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in the Tourism Sector

Exploring the Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in the Tourism Sector

Mandeep Kaur, Uma Pandey
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1978-9.ch008
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Travel and tourism businesses heavily rely on AI-powered products and services for various operations, from planning trips to booking accommodations. At the moment, the travel and tourism sector heavily rely on AI-powered goods and services for a range of tasks, from planning vacations to sharing travel experiences. The travel and hospitality industries have incorporated AI into a variety of tasks and processes to provide travelers with comfort, serenity, and unsurpassed happiness. This chapter discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) is developing in the travel and tourism industry and considers possible long-term effects. This chapter explores several important areas of integrating AI, such as chatbots, predictive analytics, smart infrastructure, and personalized suggestions. This chapter will provide an overview of how AI could be used in the tourism sector. Secondary sources are used to obtain the information. This chapter offers insightful information to stakeholders who want to fully utilize AI to influence the direction of the tourism sector.
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The tourism industry is at the forefront of a shift, spurred by the rapid integration of AI technologies(El-Moffock, 2023a). As nations around the globe become more linked, organizations in the tourism industry are leveraging AI to alter how they operate, interact with clients, and manage locations. AI, a branch of computer science, studies the creation and application of intelligent technologies(Ting et al., 2021) It includes the intelligence displayed by software or computers. AI is applied in many aspects of our lives, although it originated in the computer sciences as a vague idea.(Saariluoma & Karvonen, 2023). Due to its unique perspectives on difficult issues, it has captured the curiosity of academics. At the forefront of technological advancement, AI has the potential to significantly alter many facets of our daily lives. Artificial intelligence's primary attribute is its capacity for reasoning and making decisions to maximize the likelihood of accomplishing a given objective.

Types of AI

Artificial intelligence can be categorized into one of four types.

Reactive AI

-Algorithms are used by reactive AI to maximize outcomes given a set of inputs.(Abdul-Rahman et al., 1995). AIs that play chess, for instance, are reactive systems that maximize the optimal move to win. Reactive AI is typically quite static and incapable of picking up new skills or changing with the times. It will therefore yield the same result when given identical inputs. Reactive AI, sometimes referred to as rule-based or deterministic AI, uses pre-established sets of algorithms and rules to decide what to do given particular inputs. Reactive AI reacts to inputs in a rigid and deterministic way as opposed to more adaptive or learning-based AI approaches, which learn or grow over time. Tasks where the decision-making process can be precisely outlined and described are especially well-suited for this kind of AI (Landgrebe & Smith, 2022).

Restricted Memory

-In the context of artificial intelligence, “restricted memory” refers to systems that may not remember information for a long time and have a limited ability to update themselves based on fresh observations or data(Al-Amri et al., 2021) .Although kids can learn from experiences right away, their memory and learning capacity is frequently limited and prioritize short-term learning over long-term retention.

AI can update itself depending on fresh observations or data or adjust to previous experiences (Cappelli et al., 2018) .Frequently, there is little to no updating (hence the name), and the memory is not very long. For example, autonomous cars are capable of “reading the road” and “learning” from previous experiences to adjust to unfamiliar circumstances (Agrawal et al., 2019).

Theory of Mind

-AI is completely adaptable and possesses a vast memory for prior encounters. The ability of a system to comprehend and interpret the thoughts, intentions, and feelings of others is referred to as a “Theory of Mind” in artificial intelligence(Wortham, 2018) .AI might have seen significant advancements, like making sophisticated chatbots that can interact like humans but it is crucial to acknowledge that these lack genuine emotions and self-awareness. These chatbots possess the ability to adapt to various conversational scenarios by leveraging their repositories of past interactions to generate contextually suitable responses(Chaves & Gerosa, 2019). However, instead of possessing genuine awareness or consciousness, their adaptability and memory primarily stem from their programming and training material. Instances of this type of AI include sophisticated chatbots capable of completing the Turing Test and deceiving individuals into believing they are interacting with a human. These AIs are highly impressive and advanced, although they do not possess self-awareness (Stewart et al., 2019).

Self-Aware AI

-As the name implies, self-aware AI develops sentience and awareness of their existence. Some scientists, still in the realm of science fiction, think that AIs will never become conscious or “alive”. Science fiction has contributed significantly to the popularisation of the idea of self-aware AI, which describes AI systems that are not only capable of highly developed cognitive functions but also have some degree of consciousness and knowledge of their own existence(Galanos, 2023) .The creation of genuinely self-aware AI is still mostly theoretical and speculative at this point. Many scientists and researchers contend that it is extremely difficult, if not essentially impossible, to achieve true awareness in artificial intelligence(Kottum Elmar, 2019).

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