Facilitating Game Design in the Online Classroom: Building Efficiencies in Teaching while Students Build Games for Learning

Facilitating Game Design in the Online Classroom: Building Efficiencies in Teaching while Students Build Games for Learning

Nelson Altamirano, Ben Radhakrishnan, James J. Jaurez
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0347-7.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Student game design and play represent a powerful means for encouraging advanced interactivity, development of critical thinking, and deeper learning in the classroom. Orchestrating the details, milestones, examples, and teams in the online setting can be challenging. Through clearly presented game models, tight integration with course content, and class coordination created specifically for design teams, the Game Design Methodology (GDM) provides a solid framework for teachers and learners to progress through the game making process and successfully achieve course outcomes. Through the use of case studies, this book chapter will outline the tools, techniques, and performance outcomes that instructors need to plan, implement, and facilitate the use of GDM in their online classes.
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Gaming And Gdm Literature Review

Games and gamification have been growing more popular and prevalent in education. The concepts of increased engagement and motivation particularly in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) along with extensions to art (STEAM) and derivative disciplines (STEM+) has led the game based learning movement in higher education (Horsley, 2010). Game based learning has been touted for its ability to promote fault tolerance, project friendly, rich feedback, practical simulation, persistence, pacing, and leverage prior knowledge (Sheldon, 2011).

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