Fake News Polarization for Sentiment Analysis

Fake News Polarization for Sentiment Analysis

Chirag Visani, Vishal Sorathiya, Sunil Lavadiya
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8318-0.ch019
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The popularity of the internet has increased the use of e-commerce websites and news channels. Fake news has been around for many years, and with the arrival of social media and modern-day news at its peak, easy access to e-platform and exponential growth of the knowledge available on social media networks has made it intricate to differentiate between right and wrong information, which has caused large effects on the offline society already. A crucial goal in improving the trustworthiness of data in online social networks is to spot fake news so the detection of spam news becomes important. For sentiment mining, the authors specialise in leveraging Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp, the most prominent microblogging platforms. They illustrate how to assemble a corpus automatically for sentiment analysis and opinion mining. They create a sentiment classifier using the corpus that can classify between fake, real, and neutral opinions in a document.
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Knowledge sharing has been an important aspect in this 21st century and this has become more effective with the usage of the common platform we all know the Internet. Internet users use many communication tools and the most widely used is microblogging platforms are Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. which contains arbitrarily large text posts (Zhang, Dong, and Yu 2018). This Corpus can be in form of real emotions, fake emotions, or objective texts.(Parikh and Atrey 2018). The Corpus, which is available online, promises a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for NLP and related areas. One of the fields with a lot of real-world applications is sentiment analysis.Sentiment analysis can be used by a user to research products or services before purchasing a product or buying a service. Marketers can use this to research public opinion of their company and products. Last but not least organizations can also use this to gather critical feedback about problems in newly released products. The popularity of the internet has increased the use of e-commerce websites and news as well (Lin et al. 2014). So it can be helpful to other users to make decisions making. It can be very useful to make business competitive. But many users or organizations post spam news to promote or defame a brand or specific product or people. Spam news is Very common nowadays on e-commerce websites. Many business organizations hire people to post fake news on their behalf (Jiang, Cao, and Chen 2013). As a factor, spam news recognition has grown increasingly extremely important in recent years. Online user reviews for both products and companies have had a major impact on others' basic buying decisions. Despite the difficulty with which the surveys are available and the considerable consequences for merchants, there is a growing driving factor to manage the audits, which are often benefit-driven (Mukherjee, Liu, and Glance 2012). Entrepreneurship on the internet Audit spam is rapidly replacing websites that provide client audits.- Bitter or positive reviews that aren't worthy; surveys that are written despite the fact that the analysts have never used the business. As an outcome, auditing spam identification has become increasingly important in recent years. Today, plenty of researchers are taking aim at them (Jindal, Liu, and Lim 2010). Spam surveys can be categorized into three parts.The detailed comparative study of the previously available techniques is shown in Table 1 and Table 2.

  • Untruthful News or Reviews: Those undeserving positive news that is presented on advance a particular brand or item regardless of the possibility that those brand or item not meriting that as well as a negative survey that is presented on slander a particular brand or item regardless of the possibility that those brand or item are great.

  • News or reviews on brands only: Those surveys that do not give any remark concerning an item or administration however give clear remark for brand or vendor. This can be helpful yet it does not give any insights about item or administrations so we can consider as spam.

  • Non-reviews on news: That news that contains advertisements, question-answer, or other content irrelevant to the product or services.

In this examination range, there are fundamentally two methodologies ready to manage this issue. One is supervised learning and the second one is unsupervised learning. Both have a few points of interest and downsides. In supervised learning analysts have great precision yet there is a required great measure of space information or data about setting (e.g. what is being looked into, examples of the analysts, and so on). So this technique is not by any means helpful for individuals without this sort of area learning. In an unsupervised approach, this sort of data about the setting is not required. So these sorts of research can be exceptionally valuable for everybody (Ramesh Babu Durai and Duraisamy 2011). Be that as it may, there is one primary downside of precision. This kind of methodology does not give great exactness.

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