Food Advergames and Children: The Psychodynamics

Food Advergames and Children: The Psychodynamics

Tanusree Chakraborty, Raiswa Saha
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6064-7.ch006
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Advergames are a very dynamic marketing tool for companies coupled with being interactive, fulfilled, networked, creating positive connection with consumers, provides pleasurable environment marked by two-way communication. Food advergames target children population who without knowing the persuasive content of the games engage in the play. The purpose of this chapter is to highlight the psychodynamics of food advergames, how advergames influences children's eating attitude and behavior, and also discusses about the health hazards that food advergames bring in with itself. Finally, the chapter throws light on the impact and concerns of food advergames on children's eating behavior.
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Advergames: An Overview

With the advent of gamification in the world market, advergames have made a different place for itself. In its simple most definition, advergames can be defined as the firmest mounting chunk of the advertising model around the world that has grown in multiplication in recent times; it refers to an online video game that encourages a particular brand, product, or marketing message by assimilating it into the pattern of game. Though the development of advergames has been really in bounds, still the role of advergames in marketing has remained unidentified to the full (Okazaki and Yagüe, 2012). And it is also true; that the question as to how much impact advergames has been able to make on the target audience has been a matter of question. “Advergames”, as a term was first coined in January 2000 by Tony Giallourakis, and immediately mentioned after that by Wired's “Jargon Watch” column in 2001. Advergames is at present one of the commonly discussed topics and played activity among the young generation, especially children. But there are still many who might not have experienced advergames. Let us define advergames; the way they have been defines by the pioneers in the field. There are different ways how advergames have been defined.

Definitions of Advergames

Table 1.
Culp et al. 2010 The advergames are fun, appealing, and generates a context for associating the brand with positive sentiments.
Culp et al., 2010 Advergame is a brand-rich environment that merges a video game with advertising.
Hernandez et al.,2004Advergame is internet promotional method containing advertising messages.
Fattah and Paul, 2002 Advergames are interactive advertisements that merge online games with product placement.
Winkler and Buckner, 2006 Advergames are the online games designed for the specific purpose of marketing a single brand or product.
(Kretchmer 2005Advergames are “computer games specifically created to function as advertisements to promote brands, where the entertainment content mimics traditional game forms”
(Grigorovici and Constantin, 2004; Shrum, 2004Advergames represent a rapidly evolving sector comprising of embedded commercial messages within the content of retail-accessible video games and on-line electronic games.

According to Calin, (2010), advergames are designed by considering the strategic aims of the advertising companies, fitting into the personality of the brand for which the advertisement is intended, the profile of the audience in target, the features of the platform (i.e.,Internet), the strategic goals of the communication drive and of course yes, the corporate image of the company.

Looking at the comprehensive definitions put forth by various authors the following characteristics of advergames can be outlined:

  • 1.

    Has a persuasive messages

  • 2.

    Carries an embedded commercial messages

  • 3.

    Brand centric

  • 4.

    Free to play

  • 5.

    Played over internet

  • 6.

    Branded products or services are fundamental in playing them

  • 7.

    Suitable for viral marketing

  • 8.

    Promise a longer exposure to brands

  • 9.

    Offer virtual interaction with a brand name

  • 10.

    For an advergame, the game is specially made to promote the brand

  • 11.

    Easily distributed on different platforms

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