From Learner Profile Management to Learner Model Modeling

From Learner Profile Management to Learner Model Modeling

Omar Abdennour, Hassane Kemouss, Mohammed Erradi, Mohammed Khaldi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7634-5.ch004
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In the educational context, adaptive hypermedia can better guide the learner's learning by providing him with adaptive and personalized educational content, taking into account his learning profile. The idea presented in this chapter is to design and manage effective learner models for all adaptive hypermedia systems (adaptive, macro-adaptive e-learning, ITS, AHES, etc.). This chapter gives an overview of learner profiles and models by referring to the differences between models and learner profiles. The authors then address the learner model in adaptive systems by identifying different adaptive, macro-adaptive, ITS, and AHES e-learning systems. They then discuss learner modeling in terms of learner model content, specific information domains, independent information domains, and learner model components. Finally, they present the process of developing a learner model: steps and techniques, in particular the collection of data, the initialization of the learner model, and the update of the learner model.
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In education, adaptive hypermedia is used as design tools to develop interactive learning systems. As learners are different, and vary according to needs, profiles, styles, skills and tasks to be performed, two approaches have been developed to meet the needs of learners: (Brusilovsky et al., 1998), (Delestre & METADYNE, 2000), (Raad, 2002):

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    Dynamic adaptive hypermedia systems approach directed by the user, and provides intelligent guidance to help them.

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    Interpretation systems and knowledge-based systems that meet more specific user needs. (Backer et al., 1997), (Charnay, 1999), (Kassel et al., 2002).

Our work includes validating the design and management of learner models for all adaptive hypermedia systems (adaptive, macro-adaptive e-learning, ITS, AHES). To this end, we first describe learner profiles with reference to the differences between models and learner profiles, and we discuss learner models in adaptive systems. We then define the learner model in terms of its content, the specific information domain, the independent information domain and the components of the learner model. Finally, we present the process of developing a learner model: Steps and techniques, in particular collecting data, initializing the learner model and updating the learner model.


1. The Learner Profile

The learner is the central element of the educational process in a knowledge acquisition system and the central design element of this personalized learning system.

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