Growing E-Marketing Trends in India

Growing E-Marketing Trends in India

Laxhminarayan Das
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6232-2.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Internet growth in India is increasing at an alarming rate, which is indicating a fast growth future for the many e-marketing companies in India. The young population of the country prefers the new technology. The phenomenon is not only confined to urban India but has also spread to rural India. Due to the popularity of Internet usage, there will be a big boom of e-commerce market in India. Young buyers of India prefer to buy online due to easy mode of transaction, preferred mode of payment, safe delivery, and effective after sales service, in terms of return and refund policy. These changing shopping habits of the consumer open the door of opportunity for many e-marketing companies in India. The consumer in India buys many products online, from food to non-food categories. This is explored in this chapter.
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Theoretical Aproach

Benefits to Customers through E-Marketing

Many new buyers are adding themselves to the online mode of shopping due to easy, protected, and lesser cost of internet usage. Online companies are respecting the consumer’s privacy. Online transaction symbolizes the scope of shopping with freedom. Hence online companies first try to persuade the consumer about the availability of the product near to their hand and then tempt them to buy through various sales plans where they succeed. Consumer enjoys his/her free time to spend behind the online shopping (Chaffey et al, 2006) . There is no pressure from the seller’s end. All the transactions are highly secured and can be taken place at any point of time according to the consumer’s wish. Choice of a particular brand also goes to consumer as he/she will select the same according to the search he/she had made in due course of time. Companies can further strengthened the scope by uploading more and more latest category of the product the consumer is looking for. Door step delivery of the consignment is another strong benefit of the company, where he/she has been assured about the delivery of the item by any means. Under no circumstances online companies can lost the consumer’s items. Many new features in the company’s webpage enhances the knowledge of the consumer and according to the modify version of the technology consumers also updated themselves. Taking care of the consumer queries through 24x7 ways in also improves the value of online shopping (Chaffey et al, 2006).

Merits: De-Merits of E-Marketing

Low startup cost i.e. initial investment to start the venture attracts low funds. It encourages immediate action i.e. the decision making process is highly authentic and quick. Easy mode of maintaining the relationship with customer. Provides great opportunity to target consumers with many kinds of personalization services. Sometime it creates difficulty to contact the consumers due to server problem or wrong e-mail id provided by the consumers. Initial link with consumers bring a smile in the face of e-marketing companies, but subsequently it is very difficult to retain the consumers as they are always not prepared to shop through online due to low internet presence and non-habitual nature of many Indian consumers.

It is very difficult to segment the consumers according to their product preference, brand they like, preferred price, level of after- sales service they are looking for in an e-commerce platform. Due to this every registered consumer in the internet database may not be a prospect consumer.

Bringing additional resources like merchandising and man power in to the board is a herculean task for the e-marketing company (Quelch and Klein, 1996).

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