Hybridization-Based Courses Consolidated through LMS and PLE Leading to a New Co-Creation of Learning: Changing All Actors' Behavior for Efficiency

Hybridization-Based Courses Consolidated through LMS and PLE Leading to a New Co-Creation of Learning: Changing All Actors' Behavior for Efficiency

Walter Nuninger, Jean-Marie Châtelet
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8803-2.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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Over the last two decades the evolution of IT has sped up in such a way that teaching practices and learning methods have evolved. On the first hand, the motivation relies on a quick access to data for learners attending a course or during sandwich courses. On the second hand, a greater access to contents leads to a new relation between trainees and trainers (a new attitude enforced by specific pedagogy for Continuous Vocational Training). Despite some drawbacks and the generated new behaviors of the digital generation, the internet connection speed, the new devices and tools (LMS) undoubtedly stress the integration of ICT in the training model. The challenge for accessibility, good education and collective work benefits the development of innovative solutions; enforced by the Higher Education framework in Europe. But even if funds are directed for techniques, only a few efforts are given to help a new posture for trainers.
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Context For Higher Education Providers

European Background

The Bologna process marked the outset of the construction of the European Higher Education Area set for 2010. During this decade the creation of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) by European Community led to a tremendous change in the organization of European HE providers; their challenge was to improve their operations for readability, trade and mutual recognition. The creation of the European Network of Quality Assurance in 2003 and the registration of the agencies that respect the European Standards and Guidelines reveal European pressure to change the perspective of framework for good education with return on investment, respect of accessibility, level of cooperation between stakeholders, ability to improve in all domains that influence performances. The consequence is, on the first hand, the introduction of quality management by HE Providers; a strategy enforced by agencies like the High Council of the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education in France (which links training and research) in consistency with ISO 9001:2008 and soon 9001:2015 (Nuninger & Châtelet, 2015). On the other hand, the development of ICT has started to be consistent with the European Accessibility Act (2011) and the Equality Challenge Unit for HE as a reply to the challenge of the United Nations (art. 24, since 2006). The quick developments of IT tools and the increasing number of new media to access contents are providing new opportunities for trainers based on a new use of time in the classroom and outside the classroom.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Hybridization-Based Courses: Reference to a voluntary act mixing in an integrated manner ICT and traditional pedagogical methods to achieve a specific learning outcomes; knowledge, skills and transversal abilities (intercultural, collaborative); changing posture and creating PLE.

Flipped Classroom: Is part of blended learning with asynchronous and synchronous activities. First, the students study topics. Secondly, in the classroom they apply the knowledge by solving problems during tutored activities; they learn by doing and by interactions with others. Several pedagogical means are used leading to a hybridization of courses.

ONAAG: Acronym of the innovative and learner-centered project “Outil Numérique d'Appui de l'Auto-Formation Guidée ” (Digital Support for Guided Self-Learning); in order to facilitate knowledge acquisition and autonomy, stressing the interest of collaborative work in a secured environment. The project was supported by the University of Lille in the framework of the development of new pedagogy integrating ICT.

Compagnon: This French word (companion) stands for those historically trained through mentoring into the workplace; he creates a personal master piece (arts and talent) to prove his ability to his peers in order to become a recognized mentor.

Natures of Results: Are Quality (customer satisfaction; specification and standard compliance and favorable working conditions), Profitability-Cost (increase of asset in the company; financial, technical, human, skills), Security (safety of goods, of people and information; minimal degree of vulnerability is always necessary) and Reactivity-Delay (relation of result with time and events).

Trainee: Generic term for apprentice (IVT; younger than 26 years old with company contract), learner (CVT; older with a professional project supported by their company (employee)) and student (enrolled in initial full-time training); trainee suggests the act of learning (being trained; as opposed simply to being educated).

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