Implementing Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Experiences in Hospitality

Implementing Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Experiences in Hospitality

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2019-8.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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AI and virtual experiences have revolutionized the hotel and tourism business, offering new opportunities to improve visitor experiences, speed up processes, and increase customer satisfaction. Technology is transforming hospitality to boost efficiency and innovation in this fast-paced environment. Hotel websites and mobile apps need chatbots and virtual assistants to handle bookings, inquiries, and personalized advice efficiently. Virtual tours show hotels, facilities, and neighborhood activities to assist travelers in their choices. Travel businesses highlight destinations and provide customers with virtual tours before leaving. AI algorithms use demand, seasonality, and local events to improve hotel prices and revenue management. AI concierges offer real-time help and individualized recommendations. AI and virtual experiences are revolutionizing hotel administration and tourism, improving efficiency, guest satisfaction, and hospitality. Businesses that adopt these technologies stay ahead of the hotel industry and satisfy modern customers.
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1. Introduction

Artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual experiences have ushered in a radically different hotel management and tourism era (Bulchand-Gidumal et al., 2023). This new era is transforming the business landscape and reinventing how customers experience Hospitality. Because of the rapid pace at which technological advancements are occurring, the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual experiences has evolved into more than just a trend; it has become an essential strategy for hotels and tourism businesses that want to maintain their competitive edge and fulfill the ever-evolving expectations of modern travelers (Lukanova & Ilieva, 2019). A significant transformation is taking place in the conventional pillars of hotel management, which include reservation systems, guest services, and operational efficiency (Talukder et al., 2020a). This revolution is being accelerated by artificial intelligence. Chatbots and virtual assistants driven by artificial intelligence have become vital tools in the highly competitive field of online reservations. These intelligent interfaces not only make it possible to have interactions with prospective visitors that are seamless and instantaneous, but they also offer personalized recommendations, which transform the booking process into an experience that is suited to the user and centered on the user (Djalila Labdaoui, 2023).

In the sphere of hotel management, one of the most attractive uses of artificial intelligence is found in the field of predictive analytics. Artificial intelligence systems, powered by enormous databases, can anticipate demand patterns, improve pricing strategies, and alter hotel rates depending on various criteria, including seasonal trends, local events, and past booking data (Talukder et al., 2020b). Not only does this ensure that hotels increase their income, but it also guarantees that their pricing will continue to be flexible and responsive to changes in the market (Abass, 2023). The hospitality industry has successfully carved out a significant space for virtual reality (VR), which was before mostly connected with gaming and entertainment services. Virtual reality (VR) tours allow prospective customers to overcome static photographs' limits by giving them comprehensive, 360-degree previews of hotel rooms, services, and neighboring attractions. This improves the decision-making process for potential visitors and helps manage expectations, reducing customer dissatisfaction (Jordan et al., 2023).

One of the most severe issues that the hospitality business may face in this age of globalization is the presence of linguistic barriers. Language translation services driven by artificial intelligence are now playing a vital role in breaking down these barriers, making it possible for hotel personnel to communicate effectively with customers who may speak. Consequently, this improves the guests' overall experience and helps create a more accepting and inclusive atmosphere. Significant progress has been achieved in facial recognition technology, notably in the efficiency of the check-in procedure (Gündüz, 2023). To ensure visitors have a smooth and trouble-free experience upon arrival, hotels are increasingly implementing face recognition technologies to facilitate quick and secure check-ins. Additionally, face recognition may be expanded to include access control, identification of loyalty programs, and tailored services, eventually resulting in a smooth and safe environment.

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