Index and Materialized View Selection in Data Warehouses

Index and Materialized View Selection in Data Warehouses

Kamel Aouiche, Jérôme Darmont
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-242-8.ch074
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Database management systems (DBMSs) require an administrator whose principal tasks are data management, both at the logical and physical levels, as well as performance optimization. With the wide development of databases and data warehouses, minimizing the administration function is crucial. This function includes the selection of suitable physical structures to improve system performance. View materialization and indexing are presumably some of the most effective optimization techniques adopted in relational implementations of data warehouses. Materialized views are physical structures that improve data access time by precomputing intermediary results. Therefore, end-user queries can be efficiently processed through data stored in views and do not need to access the original data. Indexes are also physical structures that allow direct data access. They avoid sequential scans and thereby reduce query response time. Nevertheless, these solutions require additional storage space and entail maintenance overhead. The issue is then to select an appropriate configuration of materialized views and indexes that minimizes both query response time and maintenance cost given a limited storage space. This problem is NP hard (Gupta & Mumick, 2005).
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Today’s commercial relational DBMSs provide integrated tools for automatic physical design. For a given workload, they automatically recommend configurations of indexes and materialized views (Dageville, Das, Dias, Yagoub, Zaït, & Ziauddin, 2004) coupled with data partitioning (Agrawal, Chaudhuri, Kollàr, Marathe, Narasayya, & Syamala, 2004) or table clustering (Zilio et al., 2004). However, these tools depend on the query optimizer and therefore the host DBMS, which renders their adaptation onto other systems intricate. In the remainder of this section, we detail published research about index and materialized view selection.

Index Selection Problem

The index selection problem has been studied for many years in databases (Chaudhuri, Datar, & Narasayya, 2004; Finkelstein, Schkolnick, & Tiberio, 1988), but adaptations to data warehouses are few. In this particular context, research studies may be clustered into two families: algorithms that optimize maintenance cost (Labio, Quass, & Adelberg, 1997) and algorithms that optimize query response time. In both cases, optimization is realized under the storage space constraint. We particularly focus on the second family of approaches, which may be classified depending on how the set of candidate indexes and the final configuration of indexes are built.

The set of candidate indexes may be built manually by the administrator according to his or her expertise of the workload (Choenni, Blanken, & Chang, 1993a, 1993b; Frank, Omiecinski, & Navathe, 1992). This is both subjective and quite hard to achieve when the number of queries is large. In opposition, candidate indexes may also be extracted automatically through a syntactic analysis of the workload (Chaudhuri & Narasayya, 1997; Golfarelli, Rizzi, & Saltarelli, 2002; Valentin, Zuliani, Zilio, Lohman, & Skelley, 2000).

There are several methods for building the final index configuration from the candidate indexes. Ascending methods start from an empty set of indexes (Chaudhuri & Narasayya, 1997; Choenni et al., 1993b; Frank et al., 1992; Kyu-Young, 1987). They increasingly select indexes minimizing workload cost until it does not decrease anymore. Descending methods start with the whole set of candidate indexes and prune indexes until workload cost increases (Choenni et al., 1993a; Kyu-Young, 1987). Classical optimization algorithms have also been used to solve this problem, such as knapsack resolution (Feldman & Reouven, 2003; Gündem, 1999; Ip, Saxton, & Raghavan, 1983; Valentin et al., 2000) and genetic algorithms (Kratika, Ljubic, & Tosic, 2003).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Granularity: The aggregation level within a dimension hierarchy.

Index: Physical data structure that allows direct (vs. sequential) access to data.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): An approach for processing decision-support, analytical queries that are dimensional in nature.

Data Mining: The nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data.

Data Cube: Data modeled and viewed in a multidimensional space.

Workload: Set of queries that are executed over a given database or data warehouse.

Selectivity: The portion of accessed tuples that are effectively selected by a query.

Materialized View: Physical data structure that improves data access time by precomputing intermediary results.

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