An Information Systems Design Framework for Facilitating TQM Implementation

An Information Systems Design Framework for Facilitating TQM Implementation

Nazim U. Ahmed, Ramarathnam Ravichandran
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-931777-13-1.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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This paper provides a framework for information systems (IS) design for TQM implementation. The framework consists of three main phases. In the first, TQM implementation tasks are established. These tasks include identifying customer satisfaction variables (CSV), translation of CSV to firm response variables (FRV), benchmarking, and continuous improvement. The second phase includes analyses of communication effectiveness requirements between the organizational entities such as sales/marketing, top management, operations, accounting/finance and also with the customers. In the third phase, appropriate IS component inventories for different communication interfaces are generated. This was accomplished by first mapping the TQM implementation tasks for the communication interfaces. Then appropriate IS/IT solution was recommended for each interface. The final IS design is achieved by integrating IS components at technological, functional, and strategic levels. Finally, a hypothetical example for a large manufacturing firm is provided.

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