Innovation, Innovativeness, and Gender: Approaching Innovative Gender

Innovation, Innovativeness, and Gender: Approaching Innovative Gender

Ewa Okoń-Horodyńska
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1933-1.ch051
(Individual Chapters)
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The chapter deals with the search for the sources of broadly understood creativity in solving various problems: social, political, practical (related to everyday life), family, economic, culture, religious, etc. wherever traditional approaches proved ineffective. These creative solutions - unconventional and having their practical application - became innovations. How multi-dimensional one's predispositions to solve problems are affects the person's capabilities to develop innovations. In view of the growing importance of gender studies, the already mentioned elements should be supplemented with one more - gender. Hence, the concept of Innovative Gender is introduced where men and women are granted equality of measures, opportunities, and situations encompassed by the innovation genome model. The starting point for Innovative Gender research is the establishment of four dedicated matrixes containing information (variables) that describes a given area, taking into account gender issuer, with collaboration playing a major role here.
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Innovation, Innovativeness: The Driving Force Of Development

Although the literature on the subject offers many varied definitions of innovation as well as a large number of models developed over the last 30 years of the 20th century, it is impossible to avoid references to them; yet, the focus is on the search for changes in the economy and society constituting innovation, where gender can be of particular importance.

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