Integration of Digital Picture Books Into Young Learners' Language Classrooms: A Novel Way to Develop Vocabulary Knowledge

Integration of Digital Picture Books Into Young Learners' Language Classrooms: A Novel Way to Develop Vocabulary Knowledge

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0353-5.ch008
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The world we live in now is more technological than in the past and continues to change and develop day by day. Our children, who are accepted as 'digital natives,' start to live a life intertwined with technology from the first years of their lives. To prepare them for the age they are in and the lives that await them in the future, digital picture books should be used effectively, especially in early childhood. This chapter discusses the use and importance of picture books in early childhood foreign language learning, the features and usage areas of digital picture books, the role and importance of digital picture books in vocabulary teaching, examples of well-designed digital picture books, websites and applications that offer these examples, and the effects of digital picture books on young learners' foreign language learning.
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Review Of Literature

Stories are important elements in all cultures from the past to the present, both in written and verbal forms. These elements, which reflect the experiences, imagination, and knowledge of mankind, are as important to children as they are to adults. Stories support children's cognitive development and have a stimulating effect on their cognitive development (Li & Bus, 2023). Stories prepared for children and often read by children are picture books. Children who read picture books can combine the joy of reading with their imagination and access a rich knowledge network in the language in which the story is told. Picture books enable children to easily express their feelings and thoughts, give creative answers, and spend quality time (Dobakhti & Panahi, 2022). In this context, young children should be supported and encouraged in their ability to understand what they read, internalize what they are reading, socialize with their peers, and tell their own stories to others (Dobakhti & Panahi, 2022). Thus, it's not wrong to say that picture books are a combined version of art with literature, and even to say they develop literary knowledge and concept of children (Yokata & Teale, 2014). It is possible to mention the various characteristics of picture books. Primarily, picture books provide prompt access. The images on the pages of the book do not require translation, and as the pages change, the reader can test his thoughts or develop new ideas. Another feature of picture books is that the paintings on the pages contain art. Thanks to these images, the reader's attention can be drawn to the book for a long time. Another feature is that picture books contribute to developing a positive attitude towards reading and thinking. Images in picture books can develop readers' analytical thinking, rational thinking, visual processing, hypothesis development, and testing skills (Perkins, 1994). Another feature of picture books is their ability to develop the communicative and linguistic skills of readers. Finally, picture books can be associated with many fields (Perkins, 1994).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Picture Book: A story intended for the youngest of readers, in which the illustrations and the text work together to tell the story.

Digital Picture Book: Incorporates many elements such as illustrations, text, music, and occasionally movement, to enhance and complement one another, resulting in a multimedia textual experience.

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