Intelligent Health Vigilance System Using Internet of Things (IoT)

Intelligent Health Vigilance System Using Internet of Things (IoT)

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9574-8.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Internet of things (IoT) is a technology that is constantly progressing and finding new applications. It is making its way into enormous sectors. One such sector where IoT has entered is healthcare. This sector is one of the most vital sectors of world. Health of each and every individual should be given utmost priority. Any person who is unwell requires vigilance. The patients in hospital are always kept under vigilance. The healthcare sector constantly strives to keep on finding new ways and methods to improve and upgrade the current methods used for vigilance of patients. The use of IoT in healthcare sector can drastically change the way this sector works now. In this chapter, the concept of IoT shall be explained in detailed. Along with it, the current vigilance system and methods used in healthcare will be stated and viewed. In addition, a detailed demonstration through case studies explaining the use of IoT in healthcare sector will also be presented in this chapter.
Chapter Preview

What Is Iot?

IoT is exchange or communication of data between different objects or devices that are connected to each other through internet. IoT helps in establishing connectivity between different devices and objects through the usage of internet.

IoT is a link which helps in attaining all the necessary data and information about the connected device or object that one would require to know. It makes the information and data of the connected device or object available at just one click. It actually bridges the gap between the things connected through it.

IoT removes barriers of distance by connecting devices and objects virtually and wirelessly through internet without the need for the devices to be physically present in front of each other. The users can control and access their IoT connected devices from any location in the world. This gives the users a great flexibility and proves as a major advantage.


The background of this technology is dated back in the early 1980’s when this technology was first used at Carnegie Mellon University of Pennsylvania in United States. At that time the term Internet of Things (IoT) was not even coined and people were not even aware that how helpful this technology can be in future. In Carnegie Mellon University a Coca Cola machine was present. This machine was internet connected and it would indicate regarding the stock of Coca Cola inside the machine and would also indicate whether the Coca Cola bottles placed inside the machine are cooled or not.


Working Of Iot

The IoT working is a simple process. It involves contributions from sensors and cloud. The working process is initiated by sensors. The sensors gather all the information and data from its surroundings. This data is safely passed on to the cloud for processing. After processing of data, it is available for the user to view. The user also has the facility to intervene and control the IoT process. The working of IoT can be considered as a fixed flow of events taking place one after the other. For better understanding, the working of IoT can be considered in parts. The first part is action of sensor.

  • 1.

    Action of Sensor: The sensor’s job is to sense all the possible data from its vicinity. The sensor acts even on a very negligible change happening in its vicinity and always actively keeps on sensing each and every change happening in its range.

  • 2.

    Preparation for Sending Data to Cloud: The sensor has all the data it has received through sensing. The data is in raw form and this data collected from the sensor needs to be sent to the cloud. The sensor makes preparation for sending the data collected to cloud by ensuring all the data remains unaltered and in it exact raw form in which it is collected.

  • 3.

    Transition to Data Processing Stage: The data undergoes a lot of changes after transition to data processing stage. The raw data is processed and after being processed it is ready to be sent to the user.

  • 4.

    Empowering the User: The user can at any time and from any location view and access the data of the device or object connected through IoT. The user is also empowered with the ability to control the device or object connected through IoT.


Characteristics Of Iot

The characteristics of IoT are as follows:

  • 1.


  • 2.


  • 3.


  • 4.


  • 5.


  • 6.


  • 7.


    • 1.

      Heterogeneity: The IoT technology enables its devices to be heterogeneous. They are able to interact with various other devices belonging to different software platforms and networks.

    • 2.

      Interconnectivity: The IoT allows different objects and devices to remain interconnected.

    • 3.

      Connectivity: The IoT devices are such developed that it is highly hassle free to connect them with other devices.

    • 4.

      Compatibility: All IoT objects and devices are compatible with each other.

    • 5.

      Safety: The data being sent to the users through IoT should remain safe. It should not get attacked by hackers.

    • 6.

      Authentication: The IoT devices are able to allow authentication feature for the users ensuring the end users receiving the data are authenticated.

    • 7.

      Flexibility: The IoT technology provides the flexibility of connecting devices and providing access to the users from any part of the world.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Internet of Things (IoT): It is a technology used for connecting objects or devices together virtually irrespective of the physical distance between devices and objects.

Vigilance System: It is system required to keep a continuous tab of any particular thing or person.

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