Introduction to AI in Marketing Research: The Evolution of Marketing in the Digital Age

Introduction to AI in Marketing Research: The Evolution of Marketing in the Digital Age

Delight Rufarp Hungwe, Mercy Dube, Sinothando Tshuma
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2165-2.ch012
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Due to digital realm, characterised by rapid technological advances and data abundance, marketing practices and the adoption of digital technologies have aided the transformation and expansion of marketing from a primary function related to basic things, to crafting data analytics, consumer centric marketing. AI technologies have taken marketing to new heights. Marketing has recently undergone a seismic shift in the digital age, and this has impacted the way in which businesses engage with their customers. Everything has drastically changed, from the days of print media (ads), broadcast media, social media, and now search engines.
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2. Background To The Study

The initiation and growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has saturated every field of operation, businesses, health and services. Marketing field is no exception. The role of marketing evolved rapidly and there have been changes emerging from transformations in technological innovations and the continuously ever-changing customer needs and wants. Most importantly, the substantial driver of the changes in marketing research is the emergence of big data and the analytical methods to examine the data. To remain relevant, marketing research must also remain dynamic just as the market themselves and adapt accordingly. This means therefore that data has now continued to increase, the quality have also increased, the analytics are now more powerful, easier to use, and more widely used. This has in turn helped organisations to rely on AI in data analytics for a competitive advantage.

According to Jims (2023), AI technologies have taken marketing to new heights. Marketing has recently undergone a seismic shift in the digital age and this has impacted how businesses engage with their customers. Everything has drastically changed, from the days of print media (ads), broadcast media, social media, and now search engines. This robust change and explosion of data has led to data-driven marketing strategies. Organizations have now started leveraging big data in their marketing research to gain customer insights, consumer preferences, attitudes, and purchasing trends and in turn, make effective marketing strategies.

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