Introduction to Privacy Preservation and Secure Data Storage in Cloud Computing

Introduction to Privacy Preservation and Secure Data Storage in Cloud Computing

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 41
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0593-5.ch001
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Cloud computing has swiftly emerged as the dominant IT paradigm, revolutionizing data storage and processing with scalable, cost-effective solutions for individuals and businesses. However, concerns over data security and privacy have arisen due to the migration of sensitive data to remote servers. This chapter introduces privacy and secure data storage principles in the cloud context. It covers threats, emphasizing robust security measures like encryption, access control, and anonymization. The chapter also addresses legal frameworks, urging alignment with regulations. It presents best practices for secure data storage, including encryption and emerging tech like homomorphic encryption. Ultimately, the chapter aims to equip readers with a comprehensive understanding of privacy preservation and secure data handling in the cloud, enabling informed decisions that uphold data privacy.
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In the dynamic and ever-changing realm of cloud computing, ensuring the preservation of privacy and the security of data storage has become of paramount importance. The shift to utilizing remote servers has significantly amplified concerns regarding unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Employing robust security measures is an absolute necessity to mitigate these risks. Encryption methods, including both symmetric and asymmetric encryption, play a pivotal role in upholding the confidentiality of data (Awotunde, J. B et al. 2021). Mechanisms for controlling access, such as role-based and attribute-based controls, guarantee that only authorized users can gain access to sensitive information (Khan, R. et al. 2021).

Cloud computing has emerged as a triumphant model that greatly simplifies the utilization of computing resources and data storage infrastructure for businesses of all sizes. Elevated concerns about the safeguarding of data and its confidentiality within the cloud environment have arisen due to a comprehensive assessment of vulnerabilities. A multitude of security vulnerabilities have been identified within cloud services, resulting in instances of user data leakage across a wide array of cloud-based applications. Ensuring the security of data and the privacy of users during data management and query processing submitted to the cloud has become an absolute necessity to expand and enhance the utilization of cloud services (Brown, I., & Marsden, C. T. 2023; Leonelli, S. 2014).

However, the challenge lies in the complexity of ensuring secure and privacy-preserving data services, as security issues have the potential to manifest at various levels of data services. Efforts to enhance security and privacy protection might inadvertently impact the functionality and performance of these data services (Wood, A et al. 2018). The aim is to address common security and privacy threats in the cloud while focusing on research endeavors aimed at ensuring the confidentiality of data and maintaining privacy when handling sensitive information within the cloud environment (Mather, T., Kumaraswamy, S., & Latif, S. 2009; AlZain, M. A et al. 2012).

In the era of digital transformation, cloud computing has emerged as a pivotal technology, reshaping how businesses operate, collaborate, and innovate. The adaptability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness provided by cloud services have revolutionized industries globally. However, alongside the numerous benefits of cloud computing come critical concerns related to the security and privacy of data. Organizations and individuals entrust cloud providers with their sensitive data, demanding assurance that their information remains confidential, secure, and compliant with evolving privacy regulations (Büyüközkan, G., & Göçer, F. 2018; Warner, K. S., & Wäger, M. 2019; Kushida, K. E., Murray, J., & Zysman, J. 2011).

In this landscape, the principles of upholding privacy and ensuring secure data storage have gained unprecedented significance. Privacy preservation entails safeguarding personal information against unauthorized access and guaranteeing the respect of individuals' privacy rights, even when data is processed within cloud environments (Blasimme, A., Ferretti, A., & Vayena, E. 2021). Conversely, secure data storage is centered around safeguarding data integrity, availability, and confidentiality against potential breaches and unauthorized utilization.

As cloud services continue to evolve and transform industries, delving into the fundamental aspects of privacy and security that underpin responsible cloud computing becomes imperative. This exploration not only sheds light on the challenges at hand but also emphasizes innovative solutions and best practices that empower organizations to leverage the benefits of cloud computing while prioritizing the privacy and security of their most invaluable asset: data. In the subsequent sections, we will delve into the core of privacy preservation and secure data storage within the context of cloud computing, examining their applications, challenges, and the evolving landscape of technologies that empower organizations to navigate this intricate terrain (Sheninger, E. 2019; McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. 2021).

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