Item Selection Using K-Means and Cosine Similarity

Item Selection Using K-Means and Cosine Similarity

Dharmesh Dhabliya, Kshipra Jain, Manju Bargavi, Deepak, Anishkumar Dhablia, Jambi Ratna Raja Kumar, Ankur Gupta, Sabyasachi Pramanik
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2165-2.ch013
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In today's digital world, recommender systems (RS) are crucial since they provide tailored suggestions depending on user preferences. In order to get beyond the constraints of RS, this chapter presents a revolutionary machine learning technique that uses cosine similarity, embeddings, and k-means clustering. The difficulties and solutions associated with using k-means clustering in RS are covered in the first part. Various approaches are investigated to provide an all-encompassing perspective on recommendation systems. The next part discusses using cosine similarity and embeddings to improve the quality of recommendations. High-dimensional data is made simpler by embeddings, and similarity is precisely measured using cosine similarity. Transparency is ensured by covering dataset selection, analysis, and solutions in this chapter. The system architecture is covered in the concluding section, emphasizing approaches. This chapter provides information about the development of RS.
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3. Literature Review

An age of unparalleled data abundance has begun with the rise in popularity of social networking and e-commerce platforms. Even while obtaining information has become easier, properly using this abundance of data still requires a major effort. In today's digital world, technology recommendation systems on a large scale have become an important issue. These suggestions cover a broad range of topics, from telling users what to buy and what music to listen to, to pointing them in the direction of pertinent news items or making suggestions for their next trip. Gaining understanding of user preferences and behaviors is the main goal of recommendation systems, which then utilize that knowledge to provide relevant and customized recommendations.

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