Life Has Equal Worth: Inclusion in High Schools

Life Has Equal Worth: Inclusion in High Schools

Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5727-2.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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The aim of this chapter is to advance reasons in support of the establishment of full-service schools. The current government has sought to produce a lifelong learner who is literate, numerate, multi-skilled, compassionate, with the capacity to live well with others and to think critically. The curriculum had to complement the principles of social transformation, human rights, and valuing indigenous knowledge system, among others. Unfortunately, differently abled learners were excluded from mainstream classes because of race and (dis)ability. Given the circumstances surrounding this exclusion, parents were ashamed to acknowledge and accept their differently abled children, and society compounded the situation by rejecting them as well. The theory that underpins the discourse in this chapter is Social Constructionism. The chapter will introduce the concepts of full-service schools, followed by a discussion of the legislative framework responsible for the establishment of full-service schools. There will also be a critical look at the roles of the different stakeholders in the teaching and learning setup of full-service schools.
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Underpinning the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa are the principles of human dignity, the achievement of equality, and the advancement of human rights and freedoms, non-racialism, and non-sexism (Republic of South Africa, 1996). It is thus the inalienable right of the disabled people of this country to be afforded the education that is not devoid of human dignity and protects their human rights. It is in the spirit of these principles that White Paper 6 was designed, whose legislative framework was:

  • The South African Constitution,

  • South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996),

  • Admission of Learners to Public Schools (General Notice 4138 of 2001),

  • Gauteng School Education Act, 1995 (Act No. 6 of 1995), and

  • National Education Policy Act 27 of 1996.

Key Terms in this Chapter

White Paper 6: It provides for the recognition of understanding the differences between mainstream learners and those with special educational needs, and providing the necessary support for the latter.

School Governing Body: A controlling body in schools, provided for by White Paper 1 and the South African Schools Act.

Inclusion: Where all learners are valued and appreciated in spite of ability.

Full-Service School: Mainstream schools that provide relevant education learners with different abilities and needs.

Learner Support Educator: This educator facilitates consultations with parents and teachers in a full-service school, to ensure that all learners succeed.

Social Constructivism: A philosophy which argues that learning is a social activity and emphasizes that learners should be active participants in the creation of knowledge.

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