Localized User Interface for Improving Cell Phone Users' Device Competency

Localized User Interface for Improving Cell Phone Users' Device Competency

D. Krisnawati Lucia, Restyandito
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-719-5.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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This study tried to examine how cell phone users who undergo a technology leap acquire their procedural knowledge of operating a cell phone and to find out which factors can improve their device competency. Using interviews, usability tests, and a questionnaire, this study found out that many respondents use unstructured means such as asking other cell phone users or rote learning in gaining their procedural knowledge. Some factors influencing users’ device competencies that were found in this study are classified into three categories: user interface design, culture, and the users themselves. In order to improve users’ device competency, elements in those three categories must be integrated. One realization of such integration is the attempt of localizing user interface through the user’s culture, not the culture where the cell phone is designed and manufactured.

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