P-MATCH: Identifying Part Name in Noisy Text Data

P-MATCH: Identifying Part Name in Noisy Text Data

Anne Kao, Stephen R. Poteet, David H. Jones, David Augustine
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-447-5.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Many industries keep log data on maintenance and support. The log data contains information on the problems reported as well as the actions taken to fix the problems. The log data contains a wealth of information useful for future maintenance, as well as product design and inventory management. However, it is always hard to identify parts involved automatically when the number of part types is large and the data are sloppily authored. Boeing’s P-MATCH identifies part names from noisy non-professionally authored log data. In this chapter, the authors use P-MATCH to illustrate how to leverage the combined strength of natural language processing and text mining.
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Background And Prior Approach

In this section, we will discuss how the problem of automatically identifying part names has been dealt with historically, using airline maintenance log data as an example.

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