Metaverse Dynamics: Exploring Industry Impacts and Educational Frontiers

Metaverse Dynamics: Exploring Industry Impacts and Educational Frontiers

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2314-4.ch010
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Recently, the word “Metaverse” has gained popularity, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid development of technology. It relates to lifelike experiences that people can have in immersive virtual settings. This research study offers a thorough analysis of the historical background, evolution, current applications, and anticipated developments of the Metaverse. It investigates the transformative potential of the Metaverse in the field of education, embracing immersive learning environments, virtual research facilities, and extensive study resources in order to improve educational outcomes holistically. It also explores the fascinating potential of the Metaverse in other fields, giving users the opportunity to transcend temporal and spatial limitations for richer and more immersive experiences. This research study focuses on the potential effects of the metaverse on our future and society by doing in-depth literature research, examining trends, and providing useful views.
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2. History

The idea of the Metaverse has roots that go back several decades in the fields of science fiction and virtual reality. Neal Stephenson first used the word “Metaverse” in his 1992 book “Snow Crash.” Stephenson described a VR based network that will take the place of the current one and enable users to communicate socially and engage in extensive virtual world exploration. While “Snow Crash” made the term more well-known, early indications of the Metaverse idea may be found in Vernor Vinge's 1981 novella “True Names.” Vinge portrayed a “cyberspace” in which people participated in a range of activities while using aliases. Step ahead to 2003, when Linden Lab's Second Life, one of the first and most significant attempts to build a Metaverse-like experience, first appeared. Users of Second Life could make avatars, purchase virtual goods, communicate socially, and produce virtual content. The Oculus Rift, which was introduced in 2014, and other virtual reality headsets have reignited interest in immersive experiences and their potential to further the Metaverse concept. The present understanding of the Metaverse was significantly shaped by virtual reality technology, which allows users to enter computer-generated worlds.

The Metaverse idea gained further traction thanks to Steven Spielberg's “Ready Player One” adaption, which was released in 2017. In a future shown in the film, people would spend most of their time in the OASIS, a virtual reality Metaverse where they may engage in a variety of experiences and adventures. Facebook (now Meta) made an important announcement in October 2021 declaring its dedication to creating the Metaverse. The CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, has described a networked virtual world that includes immersive experiences, social interactions, and more.

Since then, the Metaverse debate has picked up steam and attracted the attention of numerous businesses and inventors. There is no unified definition or application of the Metaverse, which is still a concept in flux. There are various interpretations, and the realization of it keeps changing in line with technological development and human expectations.

Table 1 lists the emergence of the Metaverse in previous years along with a detailed description.

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