Mobile Customer

Mobile Customer

Gonca Telli Yamamoto
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-916-8.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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Organizations and people, whenever they need to, aim to fulfill their requirements with suitable products and services. The suppliers of these requirements perform a certain marketing process until the requirement is fulfilled. In this process, first the attributes of the product or service are determined. Various studies are made during the identification of these attributes. These studies are evaluated from the customer’s perspective for conformity to taste, functionality, suitability to place and culture, convenience for budget and time. The purchasing process is concluded upon the final decision of the people or organizations that see the suitability of the product to fulfill their requirements. In this context, the mobile customer tries to cover his or her requirements with the knowledge based on information obtained from the virtual environment, and reaches facts via virtual data, and the customer creates a new structure with different features. This section aims to detail the changing customer structure, the individualization and the experienced changes and considers the transformation of individuals into mobile customers. Generations who depended on products of high-technology development, which show themselves with different aspects, have also brought differences to marketing. They have both changed the production and service approach, and began to benefit from different types of products and services. In addition to other environmental conditions that affect life, human generations who change due to the effects of the means of the age should also be examined in this context.
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The latest developments in the world and the efforts towards the development of east and west integration create serious influences on customers and cause changes in the perception of the customer. According to Koç (2008), the steam boat lies in the basics of developing east-west integration. Owing to the steam boat, long distances became accessible in shorter period of time. The east-west integration essentially upholds two basic changes. One of them is related with crossing the borders and it is based on the facilitation of transport with the development of transportation vehicles. The other one is the change of the mindset which was determined in the interdependent social life. So far, integration has reached to such an extent that it has caused globalization. The world is now perceived as a global totality, and it is also considered as a global place from the point of marketing. As geo-political borders have been eliminated, production has also lost its nationality (Candan, Aydın, Yamamoto, 2008). On the other hand, the world economy has grown rapidly and the reflexes suitable for this economy have arisen and developed. Small players with correct bounces gained strength, while some major players went into shrinkage.

With the development of the means of communication in addition to transportation, the consumer became tremendously strong in terms of gaining knowledge. The world has turned into a giant market. Life styles are shifting towards the formation of the homogenous consumer. The involvement of mass communication instruments especially supports these homogenous formations, influences purchasing which is an important feature of the customer, and paces up consumption. In this context, Koç (2008) compares the world to an auditorium and explains that 6.5 billion people are sitting under a giant dome and share an environment surrounded with immense message rain. Actually, what make this message rain heavier are communication technologies themselves because serious developments have occurred since the invention of the telegram and although 100 years of work was required to connect one billion users to each other after the invention of telephone, the development of computers and mobile communication instruments in the second stage added 10 billion users to the milieu of communication in only 10 years.

Human is a being that desires a social environment and accumulates values in that environment. In the mean time, the human develops a consciousness in terms of protecting the individual values and interests. Therefore, the human being always lives in a dilemma. However, according to Atasü (2008), modern human is in a stronger dilemma. S/he wishes to both be independent and unique, and belong to a certain community. This is something that should especially be taken into consideration and evaluated by the marketers.

Every new occasion causes to certain new opportunities and threats for the organizations that fulfill the requirements and demands. They are influential in the customer approach and perception that is created as a result of some certain marketing efforts, and therefore, the activities require revision. Besides, a revision is also required to assure the access and address to the customer units with innovative approach. During the evaluation of mobile customers and their features, especially the discrepancies of ages and generations should be taken into consideration. The generations, which are described as i-v-millenium and developed in the last 10 years basing on innovation, as well as the cultural changes brought along by the mobile, should be examined. For example in the US, the time of speaking on mobile instruments increased from 30 minutes to over 260 minutes in the last 25 years; meanwhile, the GSM penetration ratio in Turkey was 90% as of June 2008. Also the number of prepaid callers in the same period is 80%. In 2007, the speaking time in Turkey (MoU) was measured as 78 minutes. Mobile income of Turkey in 2007 was stated as TRY 12.8 billion (TRY 9.6 billion in 2006), and mobile investment as TRY 1.4 million (TRY 1.09 million in 2006) (Aykara, 2008). Therefore the customer, customer profiles, tendencies, innovating and diversifying customer generations, and approaches to the product/service have maintained their actuality as the important subjects of mobile marketing.

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