Mobile Devices in Education

Mobile Devices in Education

Anastassiya Khalikova, Svetlana Silkina
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2551-7.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter reviewed the importance of using ICT in the educational process with the example of mobile devices. Mobile devices as teaching tools are becoming a more and more common part of the educational process in classrooms. Every day the share of mobile Internet and mobile device users are increasing. The level of introduction of mobile devices into the educational environment at the leading universities worldwide is quite high. In Kazakhstan, this system is spread slightly. However, the University of International Business implemented the application for learning the English language which is called “The UIB English.” It is obvious that the use of mobile learning in the educational process requires organizational, research and methodological work. Universities should create and implement projects to operate the mobile version of the portal; identify and develop the most popular mobile services integrated with the information system of the university; develop and implement a mobile security policy; and create its own applications.
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The importance of using ICT in the educational process is reviewed on the example of mobile devices.

Later, people will not need to travel to other cities or countries to get an education. With the development of technology, you can learn anywhere, having a phone in your pocket and a good LTE signal.

Mobile learning is a relatively new way of learning, in which people get knowledge through gadgets: smartphone, tablet or laptop. A few years ago, special devices were introduced and developed for this purpose: something like e-books containing training programs. With the development of the Internet and phones, the latter took on the role of “teacher.” And the curriculum consists of applications that the user downloads.

Another aspect of mobile learning is organizational. Gradually, the study or transfer of some information “remotely” are introduced in schools and Universities. Electronic diaries, groups in social networks, documents with open access-all this allows gadgets to help with the studies.

Mobile devices as teaching tools are becoming a more and more common part of the education process in classrooms. Every day the share of mobile Internet and the number of users of mobile devices are increasing. Such changes are quite conditioned – now everyone is striving for convenience and mobility in all spheres of life. With the advent of communicators and tablets, there is no need to take “bulky” laptops and other devices on the road, on business trips, at meetings, and for other purposes. However, mobile devices would not bring so much benefit without special add-ons – mobile applications. The importance of mobile applications in education is growing, and the main reason for this is the opportunities they provide:

  • Collaboration of students on tasks during the lesson and in extracurricular activities.

  • File exchange.

  • Organization of distance learning.

  • Interaction with students all the time.



Let's take a closer look at the concept of “mobile learning.” Mobile learning (M-Learning) - the ability to learn regardless of place and time, through a number of mobile devices.

Mobile learning – e-learning through mobile devices, not limited to the location or change of location of the student.

Thus, mobile learning involves the use of mobile technology both individually and in conjunction with other information and communication technologies (ICT), for the organization of the educational process, regardless of place and time.

With the transition to the mobile sphere, education adapts to the conditions of this environment, becoming more compact, narrowly focused and interactive. On the mobile web, it is important that the information can be assimilated in small pieces, as clearly as possible correspond to the situation and, at the same time, that the process of interaction with the product is fun. Accordingly, user habits are changing, students increasingly want education to be simple, effective and fun. It becomes possible to study where you are at any time. Therefore, learning has become much easier, and the opportunity to do it little by little, but often that in the learning process is very important. The growth of mobile technologies is making constant changes in education. Education is no longer limited to space or tools such as desks, computers or expensive textbooks. Instead, all the power of learning-focused at everyone's fingertips with instant access and unlimited possibilities. In Strategy “Kazakhstan 2050” is written about the modernization of methods of teaching. It is necessary to modernize teaching methods and actively develop online education systems, creating regional school centers, intensively introduce innovative methods, solutions, and tools into the domestic education system, including distance learning and online learning, available to everyone. It is necessary to get rid of outdated or unclaimed scientific and educational disciplines while strengthening the popular and promising areas. It is better to change the focus and emphasis of secondary and higher education curricula to include practical skills and practical qualification programs, to create entrepreneurship-oriented curricula, educational courses, and institutes.

Key Terms in this Chapter

ICT: Activities or studies involving computers and other electronic technology.

Mobile Learning: Education conducted by means of smartphones or tablet computers.

CALL: Study with the help of computers.

Midterm: An exam at the middle of study (In Kazakhstan it is usually after 7 th and 15 th weeks).

APP: An application downloaded by a user to a mobile device.

Interactive Form: A form of study when students completely involved into learning process.

Experimental Research Design: Study that includes a hypothesis, a variable that can be manipulated by the researcher, and variables that can be measured, calculated and compared.

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