Modelling Website Stickiness at Initial Encounters

Modelling Website Stickiness at Initial Encounters

Jasmine A.L. Yeap, T. Ramayah, Azizah Omar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9787-4.ch023
(Individual Chapters)
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Website stickiness has been described as repetitive visits to and use of a preferred website because of a deeply held commitment to reuse the website consistently in the future, despite situational influences and marketing efforts that have the potential to cause switching behaviour (Li, Browne, & Wetherbe, 2006). It is a user’s willingness to return to and prolong his/her duration and depth of stay on the website (Lin, 2007). There are also research scholars who have contended that stickiness consists of mechanisms on the website that encourage consumers to stay as well as visit the website regularly (DeFigueiredo, 2000; Dubelaar, Leong, & Alpert, 2003; Koo, Nam, Lee, & Lee, 2003). Gillespie, Malay, Oliver, Olsen and Thiel (1999) defined website stickiness as the positive characteristics portrayed by the website that strive to maximise the duration, frequency and pleasant experience of the web surfer. Suffice to say, stickiness involves the ability of websites to draw and retain customers (Zott, Amit, & Donlevy, 2000; Wang, 2010a).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Website Personality: The unique and dynamic organisation of a website’s characteristics that are similar to or reflect the facets of human personality.

Website Stickiness: A consumer’s willingness to return to and prolong his or her duration and depth of stay on the website.

Propensity to Trust: One’s personal inclination to believe in others’ trustworthiness.

Website Characteristics: Elements, features or qualities that make up a website.

Initial Trust towards the Website: The confidence in or reliance that a consumer has on an online retailer (as represented by its website) of whom the consumer has no prior experience with.

Website Interface Design: The overall arrangement and construction of website that enables the interaction between a website and its users.

Online Retailing: A type of electronic commerce whereby consumers buy goods or services directly from a seller through the Internet using a web browser.

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