Open Governance in Budgeting and Financial Reporting: A Case Study on the Local Governance of Bangladesh

Open Governance in Budgeting and Financial Reporting: A Case Study on the Local Governance of Bangladesh

Md. Abir Hasan Khan, Lasse O. Oulasvirta, Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5284-4.ch019
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This chapter discusses the adoption of open governance in public finance with a particular view to citizen-friendly budgeting and consistent financial reporting in local government in the developing country context. The authors are interested in how a concept that was developed in the Western world is adopted in developing countries. The objective is to shed light on local councilors' understanding of the conditions and development needs of open governance in budgeting and financial control in Bangladeshi municipalities. According to our survey conducted in 2018 with municipal managers and councilors, the key institutional actors consider that the conditions of open governance in local public finance are fairly good, financial information is provided systematically, and the competence level is sufficient among both citizens and representatives of local government. However, participatory methods and the utilization of digital tools in budgeting and financial reporting are still in their infancy.
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2. Aims And Objectives

In this chapter, we will discuss the role of openness in municipal budgeting and financial reporting with reference to the case of Bangladesh. What is of particular interest here is the developing country context in which the political, institutional, economic and societal structures are not sufficient in all respects for the realization of good governance, including public budgeting and financial management. Such challenges relate to all key actors of this setting, i.e. politicians, public managers, civil servants, the business community, and citizens.

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