Parallels of the Nurse-Patient, Facilitator-Learner Trust Relationships as they Affect the National Economy

Parallels of the Nurse-Patient, Facilitator-Learner Trust Relationships as they Affect the National Economy

Lori M. Risley
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2181-7.ch031
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This chapter addresses the necessity of a clearer understanding of the vital element of trust. Trust is a strong common element in both education and healthcare with the possibility of influencing not only our personal lives but that of our national economy. A concept analysis including step by step construction for the analysis of the nurse-patient trust as it applies to willingness to seek healthcare and implications are presented in this chapter. The parallel of the nurse-patient and facilitator-learner relationship is identified along with implications on the national economy. The purpose in this chapter is to call attention to the elemental phenomenon of trust and encourage individual reflection, continued research, and implementation of trust into these two vital disciplines and in life itself.
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In health care providers use terms like bioethics and veracity, uncommon words with simple meanings; bioethical concepts are standards, or norms of right and wrong behaviors applied to how we treat each other, and especially how we treat our patients (Dossetor, 1997). Veracity means truth telling. There are more common terms heard every day, such as “doing the right thing,” and “trust.” Trust sounds so simple, we all do it, but what does it mean to health care, and nursing specifically? Trust is an abstract concept that is subjective in nature. There has been much discourse within nursing and associated disciplines regarding “trust,” yet the concept of trust still remains elusive (Hupcey et al., 2001, p. 289). The unequal balance of power found in the nurse-patient relationship adds more dimension to this already complex concept. The concept of trust is found in other fields of study. Both psychology and sociology lay claim to the phenomenon of trust. Psychology describes trust as an attribute of an individual nature; whereas sociological descriptions tend to emphasize trust as some form of social contract (Sellman, 2007). The purpose of this concept analysis is to explore the concept of nurse-patient trust as it applies to patients’ willingness to seek health care.

In both psychology and sociology the concept of trust is a relationship between equal, rational and consenting adults. The nature of the nurse-patient relationship is not an equal partnership of power, and many times patients’ capacities are either compromised or diminished. The concept of trust is used in everyday nursing language, yet it is not well understood (Hupcey, 2001).

A concept is only a label given to an observable phenomenon. To help understand a concept an analysis is undertaken. A concept analysis explores the meaning of nurse-patient trust by identifying the definition of trust, critical attributes, antecedents and consequences of fostering trust in the nurse-patient relationship. An analysis of the concept of nurse-patient trust can not only help health care providers determine the effect of the nurse-patient relationship on the publics’ perception of nurses, but on health care in general.

The nurse-patient relationship is parallel to that of the facilitator-learner. The following concept analysis can be applied to both relationships to gain increased understanding of a vital element in relationships and the emphasis and responsibility placed on those relationships, where trust is integral to the learning and decision making process.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Trust: Assurance, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, credence, credit, dependence, expectation, faith, hope, positiveness, reliance, sureness liability, obligation, protection, safekeeping necessary for all relationships.

Andragogy: A scientific discipline studying the theory and processes for learning, teaching, instructing, guiding, leading, and modeling/exemplifying a way of life, which helps adults fulfill their full degree of humaneness.

Concept Analysis: Analyzing a concept allows for clarify the concept definition and the boundaries which are formed by the discipline for that concept.

Lifelong: Lasting, continuous, permanent, wisdom, finding out, transitioning, throughout, long term, long haul, in it to stay.

Health Information Technology (HIT): Is the umbrella framework describing the comprehensive management of health information across computerized systems and its secure exchange between consumers, providers, government and quality entities, and insurers this framework is a promising tool for improving the overall quality, safety and efficiency of the health delivery system.

Nurse: A licensed health-care professional who practices independently or is supervised by a physician or surgeon and who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health.

Patient: An individual awaiting or under medical care and treatment.

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